February, 2017
Febuary, 2017 Newsletter

A couple of things to look forward to. At the last post meeting we voted to install an events TV monitor in the bar area. You’ve probably seen them in many different businesses in your travels. Ours will probably be mounted above the kitchen doors. It will feature all of our upcoming events, as well as any news that we feel is important to share with our customers and members. We hope to have it operational in the next couple of weeks
We will also be having another Corn Hole Tournament. The one that we had last year was a great success, so we decided to do it again. Mark Saturday, March 4 on your calendar. We will keep you posted as to who to contact for entering a team.
The craft shows that we had last year will be back again this year. The first one is on Feb. 11 and then again Mae, 11. April has not been decided yet, but May, 6 and June 3 will be the last two.
I know that you have heard it before, but the posts March meeting is when nominations for the next years officers takes place. Final nominations and the election is completed in the April meeting. We need people who are willing to step up and pitch in. I’ve said it before, and it is still true. We cannot have a VFW Charter if we do not have officers. The team that we have in place right now is getting tired and deserves a rest. I know that some reading this have already stepped up in the past, but they are in a small minority. The vast majority of you have seldom stepped forward, thinking that just coming in for a beer, burgers, or a steak fry is sufficient to be considered as supporting the post. Don’t get me wrong, we certainly need you to keep doing that, but if we don’t have officers, none of it matters in the end. Please consider what it would be like not to have Post 4249 available to the Veterans of Newaygo and it’s surrounding area.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, Post 4249
Welcome gentleman to the VFW 4249 Auxiliary. We are looking forward to meeting you at one of our meetings which are the second Monday at 7:00PM. We have taken in 24 men to the auxiliary and looking forward to admitting more of you. Our meetings usually last about an hour. Come and join us instead of setting at the bar.
The Friday night shrimp and wings have been going slow this past month Maybe do to the weather or whatever. The snowbirds have gone. Bur some of us are still here doing your Friday night meals.
Bill Berry and his crew will be doing fish on Friday nights during the Lent season. But not on Good Friday, we will be going back to shrimp
and wings. If you want to help out on those Friday nights show up at the post or contact Bill Berry. He would appreciate all your help.
The Post will be doing the Steak Fry on February 11th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm with music. That is close to Valentines Day so bring your sweetheart for dinner and dancing.
The Post lost another long time member earlier this month. Jerry Church passed away.
Sisters: Are your 2017 dues paid? lf not you are not a member in good standing. You can’t attend meetings. Send your $25.00 to Gayle Porter 258 State St. Newaygo Mi. 49337. or leave them at the Post and they will be taken care of. You will not be able to get in another VFW canteen.
Please notice the new sign at the end of the bar at the waitress stand. Order drinks here. That means everyone at the tables. And there is another sign at the other end of the bar at the gate. Please do not stand
at the end of the bar while food is being served. THANKS TO LARRY NORBURG.
The fourth Saturday of each month is Burrito night with music. From 5:00-7:00 pm. Come and try them out. lf any other organization would like to pick up one night of burritos let Dan know.
Have a safe winter what is left of it.
JOANNE Atkinson President
The MOCA took in 4 new members at our last meeting. We welcome them with open arms.
To those that have not paid their 2017 VFW Aux dues and are MOCA members please pay your VFW Aux dues first then pay your MOCA dues of $20.00. Send them to Nancy Ping at 4631 N. Peacock Trail, Irons Mi 49644.
Joanne is still taking winter clothes only for men and women to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. No underware or socks unless they are brand new and still in the packages. She will start taking spring and summer clothes in April. So start cleaning out your closets of things you don’t wear but are still wearable. Bring them to the Post and they will be taken care from there. If you want a receipt for income tax let me know and I will send you one but I need your name and address.
The Cootie Wednesday night burgers are being run by the Post now. If you want to help out on that project please let Dan know. All help is greatly appreciated.
On February 24th is MOCA Friday night of shrimp and wings. Being Jane and Charlie will be gone I need 2 or 3 more people to help out on the Cookingl Please let me know so I can depend on you for a couple of hours.
We do need to clean the kitchen afterwards. My number is 231-834-8705
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy. To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
AMVETS Post 4250 News
Winter is here again and it is cold, but this is Michigan and some one has to do it.
Bill Barry is going to do fish for Lent again this year, a big thank you to Bill for doing this again.Bill does want at least one Friday off so if anyone would like to do this get with Bill Barry thru the Post.
Post has the next steak fry Feb 11 and again they can use help, if you can call the Post and let Dan know.
Jan 28 was Burrito Night and when well and we learned a lot. It takes about 10 people to make it run well.If anyone is interested in chairing this event let me know.
Jane and I will leaving for AZ Feb 21 and back March 9. Dan Boutell will be in charge of the next meeting March 7, at 7:00pm.
Charlie Clear
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250