July 2017

July, 2017 Newsletter
To begin with l am new to being a Commander and would appreciate all the help I can use.
We had a very busy month of June. Flag retirement services, Flag raising ceremonies, Post Appreciation banquet.
We have chicken barbeque the second of July, parade at Croton will be July 8th.
The AUX has the steak fry the 8th. As usual we are always shy on help for all of our activates. lt always seems to be the same crews at all the events. If wouldn’t hurt for people to give 3 or 4 hours every other week for burgers, every 3 months for steak fries. l know you get tired of reading the same old things in the newsletters every month. I know you would like people to help you if youneeded it. Well the Post activities needs help. That helps the Post stay operating. So you can enjoy being there.
I hope we can have a smooth operation of our Post and membership the next year as me as your new Commander.
Thanks to the Reininks for donating the 3 pot crock pot.
Larry Reid
Commander, Post 4249
As Joanne stated in the June Newsletter this is my first go at it. Being the newly elected President of the Auxiliary this is going to be a new experience for me and the members of the former Ladies Auxiliary and the Men’s Auxiliary. Hopefully this transition will go smoothly so please have patience with me learning the ins and outs of the organization.
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries the first Friday of each month so some participation of the members would be appreciated.
I’m looking for some of the former Men’s Auxiliary members to join this Auxiliary. Also, we are looking for new members.
The Auxiliary is still having their bake sale on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 4:00-7:00 pm.
This month the Auxiliary is doing the fish fry as well as the steak fry so participation would be greatly appreciated. There is a help sign-up sheet on the activities board at the Post. We can use people for prep work beginning at 2:00pm and then the other duties starting at 5:00pm.
Thank you and looking forward to working together with the Post and other groups throughout the upcoming year.
Jim O’Neil
Where is our summer? June 21st was to be the first day of summer but I don’t think summer is here yet.
July 2nd is the famous Chicken BBQ with potato salad, baked beans. roll and butter with % piece of chicken for $7.00, A lot of help is needed for this event to run smoothly. So just 3 or 4 people don’t have to have to work all day.
July 5th is the Auxiliaries bake sale from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Come and see what we have to offer for your sweet tooth.
July 7th is the VFW Auxiliary fish fry or shrimp or chicken wings. with cole slaw and french fries.
July 8th is theuCroton parade, and also the auxiliary Steak Fry from 5:00-7:00 pm with music. We need alot of people to help on this event. We also need people to do prep work in the afternoon. If you want to help out call Jim at 321-519-6626 or 452-6301 or ou can call Larry at 231-225-6506. All help would be greatly appreciated.
Our MOCA meetings are the third Thursday at 1:00 pm. on July 20th. They usually last an hour. We are here to help the veterans in the hospitals and nursing facilities. So let’s do our job that we signed up to do.
Joanne is taking Summer clothes only for men and women to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. Please no underwear or sox unless they are brand new and still in the packages.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are ill we wish you a speedy recovery.
Have a great and safe summer if it ever gets here.
AMVETS Post 4250
You’ll have to forgive me for not having too much to say in my inaugural address from the AMVETS side of our post. I am still in the process of getting my feet on the ground and learning how the post that I started three years ago really operates. I must say that the difference in pace kind of lulls a person and that’s why I let this first newsletter sneak up on me.
My plans for the post are still unfolding, but in a nutshell I guess you could say that growing and strengthening Post 4250 is what the post needs and what I want to do. We have talked about getting a Sons post in operation, so I think that this is where we will be making an effort.
The first meeting that I run is Thursday the 6th because, of course, our normal 1st Tuesday meeting would have been on the 4th of July and Wednesday being burger night.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250