September 2017

September, 2017 Newsletter
It looks like summer is winding down. School is back in session.
The Auxiliary is having their fish fry Sept 1. We are having music that evening to give you some entertainment. The 9th of Sept. is the steak fry. Burrito’s will be 16th due to an alumni banquet held at the post. There is a cornhole contest benefit to make money for rocking wheelchairs for the Veterans Home in Grand Rapids. They can recline and rock in them instead of just sitting straight up.
The 3rd is the chicken bbq and the parade.
Dennis Peterson’s elevator broke and fell 17 feet. He broke both feet and a compound fracture of one leg. Dick Mouthaan had a heart. Fast healing for both.
Keep prayers for them and our troups.
There is a District 12 meeting Sept. 10 in Pentwater.
Thank you Chet Lancaster for putting the bumper posts in the handicap parking.
Larry Reid
Commander. VFW Post 4249
This is hard to believe that we are into the month of September already. Here comes fall and football season!
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries as well as shrimp or wings with coleslaw and fries Friday, September 1st.
The Post and Auxiliary and others will be having its annual Chicken bar-b-q Sunday September 3rd at the post. Thank you in advance to all the helpers. There is also the Labor Day Parade that we will participate in.
The Auxiliary is still having their bake sale on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 4:00-7:00 pm.
Thank you and looking forward to working together with the Post and other groups throughout the upcoming year.
I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
SISTERS: Are your 2018 VFW auxiliary dues paid? If not please pay themfirst, they are $26.00 now. Then pay your MOCA dues of $25.00. Due to Supreme and Grand raising their dues, we had to do the same. Please send your $25.00 to Nancy Ping 4631 N. Peacock Trail, Irons Mi 49644. Let’s try to be 100% paid by the first of December this year.
Sepember 8 and also 29th the MOCA has Friday night shrimp and wings. It includes cole slaw and french fries for $6.00, come and enjoy.
The auxiliaries of the VFW and MOCA are silll having their bake sales the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 7:00. The next sale will be September 6th. All the goodies are freshly made by the ladies. Come and buy something for that sweet tooth.
September will be the last month that Joanne is taking summer clothes down to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. So if you have something to donate and still wearable bring themto the VFW and I will take care of them. If you need a receipt for income tax purpose please give me your name and address and I will send you a receipt. Please no sox or underware as that is against the Michigan State health rules. They have to be new and still in packages please.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy. To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
AMVETS 4250As Larry mentioned we are having a Benefit Cornhole Tournament on the 23rd of September. The proceeds will be going to buy as many Rock-King wheelchairs as we can for the residents of Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.
These unit are not cheap. Their cost is $2000 each and we have set our sights high. We would like to be able to buy four units. So that means it’s going take a lot of work to realize our goal. Please mark the 23rd on your calendar and plan to be there. Partner up with somebody and win yourself some extra money. The more that participate, the more fun it will be.
A picture of the chairs can be found on many of the tables in the post and also o the Electronic Information Board above the doors to the kitchen.
I want to offer a special thanks to VFW Post 4249. Their memberships has agreed to donate the bar profits from our event towards the purchase of the wheelchairs. Additionally, several future 50-50 drawings will also be going towards these wheelchairs.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell, Commander Post 4250