December, 2017
Comrades, Another year has gone by already. Christmas is only 25 days away. Where does time go. It goes faster every year.
The post will be closed Dec. 13 for G.M. Wood products as they rented the whole post.
Steak Fry will be Dec. 9, AMVETS. It wouldn’t hurt for you to volunteer and help the AMVETS out. We have lost some volunteers as they went south.
The post will be closing early Christmas Eve. We will let you know what time. It will be closed Christmas day. We will let you know what time we will close New Years Eve. The bar will remain open as long as we have enough customers.
There will be no burrito’s this month. It would fall on Christmas weekend. People will be traveling and so forth. They will be back the fourth Saturday of January.
Everyone have a wonderful and safe Holiday’s. Welcome in the new year.
Larry Reid
Commander. VFW Post 4249
We are now in full swing of the Holiday season with Christmas and New Year’s right around the corner. Keep an eye out for the upcoming events in the Newsletter and on the bulletin boards.
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries as well as shrimp or wings with coleslaw and fries Friday, December 1st. Please come out and support the Post and help with the fish fry and other activities if you’re able.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, December 11th at 7:00pm.
The Auxiliary will be having a hat and mitten tree at the Post for elementary school children. Donations would be greatly appreciated.
There have been questions that have come up pertaining to the VFW Auxiliary membership requirements. It is important that you fill out the application fully and correctly so that you can get your card in a timely manner. Jane Clear said that she has a print out with all the info on who is eligible and how to become a member. These printouts are available at the Post in the Auxiliary folder. If you have questions about filling this out correctly you may contact me. 1-231-519-6626.
Thank you and hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season!
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
Jim O’Neil
ATTENTION MOCA SISTERS: Your 2018 dues are due now. Please pay your VFW Auxiliary dues first then your MOCA dues. Send them to Nancy Ping 4631 N. Peacock Tr. Irons Mi 49644. Or leave them at the Post in the MOCA mail box.
December 17th there will be a Christmas party for the Stinky PT 14 and Aux. And also the members of PT ll. You can bring your spouce. The pup tent will be furnishing the meat of chicken and kielbasa. Please bring a dish to pass.
The VFW Auxiliary is still having their famous fish fry on the first Friday of the month. Come and enjoy.
The Auxiliary to PT 14 donated $300.00 to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans Christmas Star Tree. Some of the staff will do the shopping for the gifts for the veterans.
We are still taking in new members to the auxiliary. Men are eligible to join now as long as they belong to the VFW or the VFW auxiliary. Our meetings are the third Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy. To those that are ill we wish you a speedy recovery.
AMVETS 4250 NewsI’m going start this off by reminding all of our AMVETS brothers and sisters that there are still a few that have not paid their 2018 dues. You can just leave a check in our mailbox or give it to the bartender if you wish.
The AMVETS are doing the Steak Fry this month and as usual we are in need of help. If you have not helped in the past, now would be a great time to get involved. This months Steak Fry is Dec. 9.
Post 4250 is going to be collecting Christmas gifts this year to give to the residents of Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. There will be a lists of requested items on the tables throughout the post. This is a great opportunity to help Veterans. As it says on the sheets: “Not because they need, but because they deserve”. Please join us as we try to make Christmas a little merrier for them.
We will formally be presenting the rocking wheelchairs to The Grand Rapids Home for Veterans in a formal ceremony on December 14 at 10:30 a.m. If anyone is intersested in attending, I have room in my vehicle and would be happy to have the company.
Here’s wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS 4250