January, 2018
January, 2018
Another year is gone. They go so fast anymore. We are coming in to the new year just as we are going out of 2017; COLD. I would like to see normal temperatures. It would feel like a heat wave.
We go back to regular schedules for January. January 5 – Auxiliary fish fry, January 13 – Steak fry, January 27 Burritos.
We had a very good year this last year. Lets help make this coming year a very successful year. We are short handed workers as a lot of snow birds are gone and more leaving every day.
Everyone have a safe holiday and new year.
God bless our troops.
Larry Reid
Commander Post 4249
Season’s greetings to all!! For those of you who plan on renewing your Auxiliary membership or signing up for the first time, now is the time to do it. New membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries as well as shrimp or wings with coleslaw and fries Friday, January 5th. Please come out and support the Post and help with the fish fry and other activities if you’re able.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, January 8th at 7:00pm.
There have been questions that have come up pertaining to the VFW Auxiliary membership requirements. It is important that you fill out the application fully and correctly so that you can get your card in a timely manner. Jane Clear said that she has a print out with all the info on who is eligible and how to become a member. These printouts are available at the Post in the Auxiliary folder. If you have any questions about filling this out correctly you may contact me. 1-231-519-6626.
Thank you and hope you all have had a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season!
Looking forward to GREAT 2018!
Jim O’Neil
Post Auxiliary President
I want to start out by thanking everone who participated in our formal presentation of the wheelchairs at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. It was on Dec. 14 and very well attended. Wood TV was there and they did a nice segment that aired on their evening news. For those that are interested we have a link to it on our Website: http://www.amvets4250.org and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AmvetsPost4250/
We at AMVETS Post 4250 would also like to thank all of you who were thoughtful enough to purchase gifts to put in our Christmas Gift collection box for the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.
As a last mention of our very successful Rock-King Wheelchair challenge, for those that don’t already know it, we met all of the present needs for wheelchairs at GRHV. We were also able to provide an additional large donation for Christmas presents for the residents. Not only that, but pending approval from Post 4250 membership, we will be donating over $700 to the VFW National Home for Children in Eaton Rapids, Michigan.
If you have friends or relatives who are veterans, but not members, we have plenty of room for them. Let them know that we have many activities that directly give aid to our fellow comrades in need and they are gladly welcome.
Have a great month and a great 2018!
Dan Boutell, Commander Post 4250