March 2018
March, 2018
Commander Reid is vacationing in Florida. Presidents Corner
I know it’s hard to believe but spring is just around the corner. For those of you who plan on renewing your Auxiliary membership or signing up for the first time, now is the time to do it. New membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
There will be a Corn Hole tourney Saturday, March 3rd at the Post starting at 1:00. Registration is at 12:00 and the cost is $20 per two-person team. There will be drink specials, food, 50-50’s etc. during this activity. Come on out and enjoy the day!
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries as well as shrimp or wings Fridays through March 23rd for lent. Please come out and support the Post and help with the fish fry and other activities if you’re able.
The Auxiliary will be having the steak fry Saturday, March 10th. There is a sign up sheet at the Post if you are willing and able to help. Thank you for your participation.
There will also be a District meeting Sunday, March 11th in Muskegon that Larry Reed and I will attend.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, March 12th, @ 7:00pm.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Post’s activities.
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
The MOCA held their election for the new officers for the ensuing year at our February meeting. The new officers are as follows:
President: Joanne Atkinson, Sr.Vice: Jane Clear, Jr. Vice Sandy: Onstwedder, Treasurer: Nancy Ping, Chaplain: Ruth Merritt, Conductress: Glenda Abbott, Guard : Carol Goodin.
They will be installed at our next meeting March 15th by Grand President Ivy Schaffer.
Our dear friend Dick Mouthaan isn’t doing so good. He would appreciate a thinking of you card or a get well card. His address i§ 1551 Franklin SE,#3029 Grand Rapids Mi 49506.
Sisters: If your Z018 MOCA dues are not paid by now you are not a member in good standing. Please pay your VFWA dues first then your MOCA dues of $25.00. Send to Nancy Ping 4631 N. Peacock Tr. Irons Mi.49644. Or drop them off at the post and have them put in the MOCA mail box.
MOCA members if you are sick or in a hospital we need to know about it. Please call Joanne at 1-231-834-8705.
If you have winter clothing you are not wearing anymore donate them to the veterans at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. Leave them at the post and I will take care of them. If you need a receipt for income purpose leave your name and address and I will mail you a receipt. April is the last month for taking winter clothes to the home and then I will start taking spring and summer clothes No underwear or socks please. They have to be in packages and brand new. Due to the state health rules.
To those that have lost loved ones, you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
Well it looks like we can just about put another winter behind us.
As Jim mentions and I did last month, we are having a Cornhole Tournement this Saturday, 3/3/18. Get yourself a partner and come have some fun. The 4250 Ladies Aux. will be serving the food.
I had an opportunity to attend the AMVETS Dept. of Michigan Mid Winter SEC conferences last Saturday. It’s one of those things where you always learn something. I hope that I will be able to put in practice some of the information that I gathered.
Of course one of the hot topics is always membership. How to increase it and retain what we already have. I’ve been saying since forever that we really need to get some younger members. Our next meeting is on March 6, at 7pm and one of the items that I will have on the agenda is going to be membership. So please plan on attening and bring an idea or two.
Another of the things discussed was a new program called AMVETSRadio It is broadcast once per week at or you can listen by phone at 319-527-6081 at 7 pm each Tuesday. The guests include people like the National Commander, State Department Commanders, National Communications Director, etc. Our Dept. of Michigan Executive Director, Carol Hebert was a guest in an earlier show.
In short, it is a valuable resource in that the guests talk about thier own personal experiences and all of the various aspects of keeping their posts, districts and departments operational and more importantly growing. I truly urge anyone who has an interest in helping veterans to tune in, because that’s what the Veterans Service Organizations do. The great part is that you don’t have to actully listen live, as all programs are freely available to listen to on demand.
Oh, by the way, I’ve put new headers on both and web pages.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell, Commander Post 4250