May, 2018
May, 2018
Another month has gone. Hopefully spring is finally here. We are getting close to half the year gone already. We will be having a very busy month of May. The 4th will Aux. Fish Fry. 12th is the Riders Steak Fry.
We will be putting on a breakfast on Sunday the 20th for Blessing of the Bikes and Burritos the 26th. Monday the28th is Memorial Day. We will have our cemetery visits and the Memorial Ceremony at thee post at noon.
We are beginning to get some warmer weather. We lost a friend, Bruce Walkerly the 29th. Dick Moultham is stilll with Hospice. Lloyd Fowler is still in Transitional.
We held elections and installation of new officers in our April meeting. I am remaining Commander, Senior Vice – David Reese, Jr Vice – Richard Devoe, Jerry Weinman – Quartermaster, Jeffery Botsford – Chaplain. A complete list can be found on our Website.
We can always use help with our activities as usual.
Hope everyone enjoys the warmer weather and enjoys the outdoor activities.
God Bless our troups
Larry Reid
Commander, Post 4249
Happy Spring to all!! If you haven’t heard I will be the President of the Auxiliary for a second term. We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
The Auxiliary will be having their monthly fish fry or wings or shrimp, Friday, May 4th form 5:00-7:00. These will continue throughout the year on the first Friday of each month.
The Post will be busy with activities the month of May. Please refer to the newsletter calendar for upcoming events.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, May 14th at 7:00. All newly elected officers will be sworn in at this meeting.
Auxiliary membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
SISTERS: Are your 2018 MOCA dues paid of $25.00? Please pay your VFWA dues first, then your MOCA dues . Please send your dues to Nancy Ping at 4631 N. Peacock Trail, Irons Mi 49644.
Please when you are donating items for the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. Make it clothes or shoes only for men or Women. No sox or underware unless they are brand new and still in packages.
The Veterans home can’t accept medical items like diapers even tho they sre still in packages. Take them to LOVES Inc..The Grand Rapids Home For Veterans has certain places they can purchase the medical items. The State of Michigan tells them where to get the items. When you leave the other medical items at the VFW I have to take it to LOVES. So please take it yourself.
Cootie Convention is coming up in June 1-3 in Fenton at the VFW.
The next weekend is the VFW convention in Flint.
On August 12th at 2:00 PM The MOCA and Pup Tent 14 will have a get together at our VFW Post 4249. It will be a pot luck. We will work around KFC and Kielbasa. So think what you might want to bring. Call me at 231-834-8705.
We are looking for new members men or women fo join the MOCA. You must belong to the VFW first though for the first 6 months before you join the MOCA. And have your current dues paid.
Please remember our long time friend Dick Mouthaan. He is with Hospice now but he has his good and bad days. Send him a card at: 1551 Franklin SE #3029 Grand Rapid Mi 49506 He would enjoy hearing from you.
AMVETS 4250 NewsGood to see that the VFW and Auxiliary have both got their officers lined up and installed for 2018-2019. Our elections for both the post and Auxiliary are scheduled for this months meeting, which is May 1. It’s always hope and pray for us, just like it is at the VFW.
The AMVETS, Department of Michigan Convention is June 8, 9, and 10 at the Crown Plaza on East 28th St., Grand Rapides, MI. Post 4250 is allowed up to 6 delegates, so in addition to electing officers, we will also be electing delegates at the May 1st meeting. The Convention is June 8, 9, and 10 at the Crown Plaza on East 28th St., Grand Rapids, MI.
If you are an AMVET who has not attended our Memorial Days services in the past, this May 28th is a good time to start. Please bring your family with you. You might also consider joining the Honor Guard, as we can use a couple more members.
I’m also glad to see some warmer weather. Have a great month!
Dan Boutell, Commander Post 4250