June, 2018
June, 2018

May was a very bus month.. Our Honor Guard team did and excellent services at the cemetery’s. The wreath drop was a little off and the wreath dropped in the woods. That 5 plane plane formation was awesome.
We went from cold spring to full blown summer in about two weeks.
The Auxiliary have their Fish fry June 1st. The post has the Steak Fry the 9th.. As usual, we need help. It’s the same people that do the events most of the time. I think that we are going to discontinue Burrito’s for three months unless we get more help. It’s hard to beg people to work all the time and it’s the same people that say yes all the time. I doesn’t hurt to donate 3 or 4 hours a month. If people would do it. We probably would only have to work every 2 or more months in between. The same for burgers and steak fry’s. Burger is a good money maker for the post. We would have to raise the price of beer and drinks if we stop burgers.
We will be having BBQ Chicken the 1st of July. The parade at croton will be the 7th of July as the 4th is on a Wednesday.
Dick Mouthaan is still in hospice care and Lloyd Fowler is at Nwaygo Medical Facility.
Go bless our troups here and overseas, Have a great summer and be safe. Good health to everyone.
Larry Reid
Commander, Post 4249
Ready or not it seems that summer is upon us in a big way with scorching temps.
The Auxiliary will be having their monthly fish fry or wings or shrimp, Friday, June 1st, from 5:00-7:00. These will continue throughout the year on the first Friday of each month.
The Post will be busy with activities the month of June. Please refer to the newsletter calendar for upcoming events.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, June 11th at 7:00. Please come out and attend the meeting.
The Auxiliary will be putting on the July steak fry on the 14th and any help would be greatly appreciated. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board by the front door.
The Auxiliary will be having a bake sale the first Wednesday of each month until further notice. Donations are kindly accepted.
Auxiliary membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
As the new Commander of this Post 4250 l am reaching out to ALL AMVETS. Some of our Amvets say “I am in the Auxiliary”, “some say I am a rider”, and others say “just a Amvet”. If l may say we are all Amvets. As such, we all must recognize this unified body and understand that all parts of it need to be helped and supported. I have included the Preamble to the Amvets Constitution in this letter; however l would like to highlight the bottom line ”and to dedicate ourselves to the cause of mutual assistance”.
There is a severe lack at this time of support for our meetings or to hold an office. Membership meetings at times can barely function due to a lack of “a quorum. “Steak Fry” and “Wing and Shrimp night” and other fund raisers that can barely happen due to the lack of workers. Events designed to reach out to the community nearly fail due to lack of support from this membership. Yes there are good things, it’s not all bad. There exists a small group of Amvets who struggle to keep these events and other events operating and thereby keep the monies flowing in, and to them I say a great big “Thanks”. Without these monies. no one, not the Veterans we serve nor ourselves will be benefited and this Post will not be able to function. We have current officers who are suffering and in pain with physical problems but they just keep on giving, l applaud them for their service and sacrifice! They however should not be asked to do this, to serve while undergoing surgeries or medical treatment, we need support not only for our of?cers but we need those willing to serve as of?cers.
Where does it say in the AMVETS CONSITITION that a Rider cannot help out at a Auxiliary fund raiser or that a Auxiliary cannot help out at a Rider event or a Amvets fund raiser. Why must there be expectations of some sort of compensation? Here is a question; If one part of our Post benefits does ittake away from another? I am sure that if one part benefits then this entire Post benefits. Please if you are kind enough to read this entire letter consider increasing your support, please consider dropping how you may define yourself and recall that first you are a AMVET!
Thanks for your time,
Commander, Jim Hart
We, the American Veterans who have sewed or are sewing in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War ll, fully realizing our responsibility to our community, to our ‘state and to our nation, associate ourselves for the following purposes: to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States; to safeguard the principles of freedom, liberty and justice for all; to promote the cause of peace and goodwill among nations; to maintain inviolate the
freedom of our country; to preserve the fundamentals of democracy; to perpetuate the friendship and associations of these veterans; and to dedicate ourselves to the cause of mutual assistance, this by thegrace of God.