April 2019
April, 2019

Another month is gone already. A quarter of the year is gone.
The Aux. Has the fish fry on the 5th. AMVETS has the steak fry the 13th. Let’s hope that we can get enough of a crew to get it done. We have so much trouble getting people to help make an event happen. We can’t even get 3 people Friday’s to do shrimp and wings. It only takes 3 or 3 – ½ hours.
Enough of that. Same thing every month.
We have elections coming up.. Now is the time for you to step up and take an office. Instead of sitting at the bar bi***ing you can step forward and help change it to the way you would like to see it ran. We need quite a few offices filled. Don’t be afraid to step up.
Hopefully we are thru with winter and the cold and nasty weather. Before long the flowers and morels will be out in plenty. Hope so.
We will be open Easter. We have a bartender that will work that day.
With that, take care. Let’s see some different members step up and take some different offices, so the preset ones can take a break.
God bless all of our troops, home and away.
Lloyd Fowler is still in the in home in Fremont.
Everybody have a safe and healthy spring. Enjoy
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
To start things off the Auxiliary will be holding our April meeting the THIRD MONDAY, April 15th because I will be out of town the 2nd Monday for work. We will be having nominations for officers at this meeting so it will be important for all those who can make it @7:00. Thank you! I will be at this meeting because I went back on days at work.
Thank you goes out to the crew that helped make the Auxiliary’s March Steak fry a huge success!! Thank you to all who helped!
The Auxiliary will be having their monthly fish fry or chicken nuggets or shrimp, and mushrooms, Friday, April 5th, from 5:00-7:00. These will continue throughout the year on the first Friday of each month.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar and come and help and participate when you can.
Auxiliary membership dues are due.
Auxiliary membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
With the warmer temperatures coming I hope that you all can get out and enjoy yourself. Be safe and stay active if you can.
Again a reminder that the April Auxiliary meeting will be MONDAY April 15th @7:00 with nomination for officers taking place.
Jim O’Neil
Stinky14 MOCA officially disbanded at their regular monthly meeting on November 15, 2018.