June 2019
June, 2019

The Auxiliary has Fish Fry the 7th. The VFW has Steak Fry the 8th. We could use some help as a lot of the people that usually help have graduation open houses.
Because of our inability get volunteer help with cooking, we have entered into a partnership with Bryan Toth to run our kitchen. The only exception to that will be our 1st Friday Fish Fry’s and the 2nd Saturday Steak Fry. Both of those events will continue as normal.
We are trying to get the Wednesday through Saturday dining going. Bryan has a very good menu that includes a lot of very popular items. He has been at it for a couple of weeks now.
The first Wednesday night was a little rocky because people have been accustomed to us serving only between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. This resulted in a large amount of orders being lined up. The new system has the kitchen open when the bar opens, so if you want food earlier than 5 p.m. feel free to place your order. Or if you prefer to wait until later, that option is also available.
This last Wednesday went much smoother, as people are learning that they are not confined to the old 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. kitchen hours.
We know that this food service system is new to you. It is also new to Bryan, the cook, as he is accustomed to operating out of his food truck and not our kitchen. It is going to take awhile for him to get the kinks in his system worked out. Please be patient as he figures out the best utilization of our equipment. Also, please be mindful of the fact that he works for the Commander. As such, questions and comments should only be directed to the commander.
Bryan, our cook, is looking for a person or two to help him out during busy periods. It is not on a volunteer basis as he will pay you. The hours might be a little sporadic at first, but we are confident that he will be able to build his business nicely.
The 4th of July parade in Croton is Saturday the 6th. We will need people to march.
The post will NOT be doing BBQ Chicken this year. Declining sales has made the profits mediocre at best.
Lloyd Fowler is still in Fremont and would enjoy some company now and the.
God bless our troops at home and deployed and please pray for their safety.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I’d like to begin by thanking my fellow AMVETS for placing their trust in me again. I begin this term with the goal of strengthening and building our post.
It is sad that our Ladies Auxiliary recently turned in their Charter. At this time I am not certain if that is a completely irreversible move.
Sales of tickets to our Sight and Sound Raffle are going well. The drawing will be held on July 13 which is Steak Fry night. The original idea to have a separate party beginning early in the day is not really a very workable plan due to the activity required for a successful steak fry. The revised plan is to hold the drawing at 7 p.m. with the units being on display during the day on Saturday.
The AMVETS Deptartment of Michigan Convention is June 6-9 at Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, 28th St. S.E, Grand Rapids. Post 4250 is allowed 3 delegates. The election for 2019-2020 officers is at 8:30, Sunday June 9.
Please keep an eye out for our Riders Chapter blood donations days. Blood is always needed so please consider donating.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250