July 2019
July, 2019

The 4th of July is Thursday.
We are marching the 6th at Croton. Start off off at 12:00 noon at Croton Township Park.
The Auxiliary are not having their fish fry on the 5th.
The Auxiliary has the Steak Fry the 13th.
Bryan Toth has been cooking Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. He had prior scheduled events a couple Saturdays.
We would like the thank Amvets Riders Chapter 4250 for their kind donation of $600. It is help like that that helps keep the building open and operating.
Apparently nobody wants to Burrito’s on. If they do, get hold of me and let me know.
There is not much new. Lloyd Fowler is still in Fremont.
God Bless our troops at home and abroad.
Have a safe and enjoyable Holiday.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I want to thank all that have helped in this new position. I am very green and really appreciate the help.
Thanks for the volunteers that worked the fish fry in June. It was a huge success. We will not be having a fish fry on July 5 because of the 4th of July holiday on Thursday
We will be hosting the July 13 steak fry and looking for volunteers. We are expecting a large turn out.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar, lets help whenever we can.
We are always looking for new members.
There will be a 4th of July parade on July 6 at Croton looking for volunteers for the parade.
Lyle Piefer
President, VFW Auxiliary
Well we are down to 13 days that you can buy tickets to our Sight and Sound Raffle. It is for a 50” Samsung TV and a 300 Watt LG Sound Bar. The drawing is at 7 P.M. on Sat. July 13.
The money that we raise will go towards our AMVETS programs that have made a long-term economic impact by providing assistance, jobs, and services to veterans and their communities for more than 70 years.
One of Post 4250’s core beneficiaries is the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans where we have contributed greatly since our inception in 2014. Our next meeting is Tuesday, July 2 at 7 p.m. where we will make further decisions on future projects.
A very dear friend of AMVETS, Department of Michigan has set up a Go Fund Me account to benefit our Higgins Lake Lodge. The goal is $10,000 for Lodge improvements. Please consider making a donation at www.amvetsmichigan.org.
If you have never never visited the Lodge, it is well worth the trip. More details and pricing can be found at http://www.amvetsmichigan.org/higgins-lake-lodge-2/
Membership is the lifeblood of all Veterans Service Organizations and ours is no different, so if you have friends or relatives who are Veterans bring them in. We would love to meet them so that we can personally invite them to join.
Happy Birthday, United States of America. Be safe and happy.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250
To start I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Independence Day. The motorcycle riding season is in full swing (when it is not raining). As riders we need to remember to be always vigilant when riding. We need to watch for other motorists as well as the natural hazards of the road. I want to remind all of are riders that we have changed our meetings to the Second Saturday of the Month at 10:30am. The next meeting will be on July 13th at 10:30am. The plan is a quick meeting then to go for a ride somewhere for lunch.
I know the VFW is in the process of trying to update their roster with current and complete contact information. I believe that if you have taken the time to join an organization, you want to ensure that the organization has your current information. This allows the organization to keep in touch with you. I would recommend that all of us get in touch with the individual in charge of membership.
As we go into summer, I would like us all to remember SAFETY. As we enjoy the warmth of summer, do not forget that Dehydration and Sun Burn can make your summer come to a miserable end.
Richard “Pops” DeVoe Jr.
Riders Chapter 4250 President.
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