August 2019
August, 2019

We haven’t had very good steak fry’s the last couple of months. Everyone is enjoying the nice weather or had open houses to go to.
We would like to thank the AMVETS Riders for giving $600 to the Post to help with an air conditioner repair bill. They also gave the Post $1500 to upgrade our sprinkler system, which we have to have done or they will shut us down. That bill is $3300 and $1500 is such a big help. Again, a big thank you to the AMVET Riders.
Not much news, the steak fry is the 10th of August.
September 28 we are having a Post Appreciation open house. We will have a pig roasted. I you want you can bring a desert in a throw away container.. Steve Troyer, the one man band will be providing the entertainment..
Lloyd Fowler is still in the nursing home in Fremont. He would enjoy some company.
Everyone be safe and careful and enjoy the beautiful weather. It is coming fast.
God bless our troops, at home and deployed.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
WOW!! What a busy July has been. Starting with the Forth of July parade at Croton. Lots of specators saluting and thanking us for our service, hope we can get more auxiliary to be in the parade next year.
The Saturday steak fry was a great success. We want to thank Gene H from the Post and Kelvin O for a great job cooking the steaks. We want to thank Jane for getting supplies at Gordon Foods, also for Jane and Charlie and Jim H for coming in early in prepping the salad bar and washing potatoes.
We also want to thank all volunteers for their help, Peggy, Jane, Charlie, Barb, Jim O, Gale, Richard, and Joe, also Jim H, and Jean H, and Pops from the Riders.
We sent four Kids to camp Trotter this month for a week, sure bet they are having a good time.
We will be having a Friday fish fry on the second of August. We want to thank Jim O for picking up the fish for the fry.
Our next meeting will be August 12. Hope to see more members there.
Lyle Piefer
President, VFW Auxiliary
Now that summer has actually arrived, I hope everyone is enjoying theirs.
It might be a month early to ask for support of an event that is happening in September, but I wanted to give everyone a chance to adjust their schedule.
On Sunday, September 22, there is a hike to raise awareness for the 22 Veteran suicides committed each day. The hike is 22 miles, from Howard City to Big Rapids. The first 20 miles is for Veterans only, but the public at large is welcome to join for the last 2 miles of the hike. Those interested can see the brochure at
Even if you are not able to participate in person, donations will be welcome. I will be discussing this event more fully at our August 6 regular monthly meeting.
The August Steak Fry, on the 10th, is our posts chance to make some money for our programs and, as usual, we are asking for help.
I want to thank all of you who bought tickets to our recent Sight and Sound raffle. We were able to raise $2287 which will enable us to fund our programs more fully. Many of our members worked very hard selling tickets, so a special thanks goes to them as well
Have great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250
To start I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Independence Day. The motorcycle riding season is in full swing (when it is not raining). As riders we need to remember to be always vigilant when riding. We need to watch for other motorists as well as the natural hazards of the road. I want to remind all of are riders that we have changed our meetings to the Second Saturday of the Month at 10:30am. The next meeting will be on July 13th at 10:30am. The plan is a quick meeting then to go for a ride somewhere for lunch.
I know the VFW is in the process of trying to update their roster with current and complete contact information. I believe that if you have taken the time to join an organization, you want to ensure that the organization has your current information. This allows the organization to keep in touch with you. I would recommend that all of us get in touch with the individual in charge of membership.
As we go into summer, I would like us all to remember SAFETY. As we enjoy the warmth of summer, do not forget that Dehydration and Sun Burn can make your summer come to a miserable end.
Richard “Pops” DeVoe Jr.
Riders Chapter 4250 President.
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