September 2019
September, 2019

A large thank you to the Post 4249 Auxiliary for a $1500 donation to help the repair of our building fire sprinkler system. Without it being repaired they would make us close the doors..
Another large thank you to AMVETS Post 4250 for a $2000 donation for our new road sign.
We are doing burgers and chicken Wednesday nights again. Wed. and Fridays.
We contracted that out because we can’t find the help. No one wants to volunteer anymore..
We have the Logging Fest parade on the 1st,, the Auxiliary has Fish on the 6th, AMVET Riders has the Steak Fry on the 14th. The 27th is the Honor Guard Bluegill fish fry.
The next day, the 28th is Post Appreciation. We will have roast pig.. The event starts at 4. We will have Steve Troyer for entertainment. Please come and enjoy.
Everyone have a great and safe holiday.
God bless our troops at home and deployed. Lloyd Fowler is still in Fremont.
Be safe and take care.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
What a great Month this has been beautiful weather.
Excellent fish fry on the 9th and Thanks to all volunteers, they worked very hard.
Our pool players on Wednesday night acquired $121.00 toward a pool table and accessories. Anyone knowing of a 7 foot table that is reasonable we would like to look at. We can also offer a receipt for a contribution off their income tax if they would like to donate the table.
There will be a parade on the first of Sept in Newaygo at 11:30.
Next fish fry will be on Sept 6th looking for new volunteers.
Next meeting will be Sept 9th at 7:00 o’clock.
Jim had surgery on shoulder Aug 26th is doing fine little sore, lets pray for a speedy recovery
Lyle Piefer
President, VFW Auxiliary
As Commander Reid mentioned, Post 4250 is contributing $2000 toward the new digital sign. This a large portion of the money that we made from our TV and Sound bar raffle in July.
The new sign will have a stationary, brightly lit portion at the top displaying both VFW and AMVETS logos. The bottom half will be programmable messaging. I’m sure that the person who regularly changes the lettering on the existing sign will welcome the end of that process. Especially during the inclement weather months.
Those interested in participating in the 22 mile awareness hike on Sunday,Sept. 22 can contact me for further details. If you would like to simply make a donation please call Johnny D at 231-301-4682 or email him directly: Of course at is the @ symbol.
Hope to see some members at our meeting on Tuesday Sept. 3 at 7 p.m.
The Riders are hosting the Steak Fry on the 14th and help is always needed.
Have great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250