October, 2019
October, 2019

Another month has flown by.
This year is getting to being over.
The Honor Guard fish fry was a huge success. Thank you Grimmy and Gene Hemmeke for catching the fish and cleaning them.
We have had a lot of expenses this month. Our three door refrigerator in the kitchen went down and it was$539.40 for repairs. The three door cooler beneath the bar also went down and that was $744.00. Building and Workmans Comp. Insurance was $3430.
The VFW Auxiliary has their fish fry on the 4. The VFW Post has the steak fry on the 12th and we could use some help.
Dick is having wings on the 20th.
Linda is getting a crew together to do Burrito’s the 26th.
It looks like fall is right around the corner. Good luck to everyone who is going deer hunting. Be careful in the woods.
Not much news. God Bless the troops at home and deployed.
Everyone be careful and safe.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
Another beautiful month starting with Labor Day Parade, lots of spectators saluting and waving thanks for your support.
Had another great Friday fish fry, thanks to all that helped. Oct 4th will be our next fish fry
still need more volunteers
Our state inspection went very well, our next meeting will Oct 11th.
Lyle Piefer
President, VFW Auxiliary
National AMVETS recently announced that it is planning a massive Memorial Day motorcycle rally to replace Rolling Thunder’s event which ended 32 year run last May. AMVETS will be calling their event “Rolling to Remember” Demonstration Run, which will be held May 22 – May 24, 2020. It will retain the focus on public awareness of troops still missing in action from overseas conflict, just as the previous event did.
AMVETS officials said the program will also heavily emphasize more public discussion of the national veterans suicide crisis, which claims 20 lives a day.
The 22 mile awareness hike held on Sunday, Sept. 22 was fairly well attended given the rainy day. A fairly large contingent if civilians joined for the last two miles and Buffalo Wild Wings in Big Rapids provided a great and opulent supply of wings at the end for the participants.
Mark your calendars for our Hunters Breakfast on November 16. Yes, we know that that is the second day of deer hunting and the first weekend day to hunt. That is the reason that we will start serving at 5 A.M. You can get a great breakfast and still make it out to your favorite spot in plenty of time to shoot your trophy buck.
Sorry that I failed to mention last month that our National AMVETS elected it’s first female National Commander. Our congratulations go out to retired Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Jan Brown. She is a 27 year veteran, who spent 15 years in recruiting.
Commander Brown will be locally in Muskegon on Friday, Oct. 11 for a Meet and Greet. Then on Saturday the 12th an all female AMVETS Post will be activated, in which she will be the Installation Officer.
The festivities will take place at the Greater Muskegon Woman’ Club, 280 West Webster, Muskegon. This is in Muskegon’s central business district..
I would be remiss if I did not put in a call for anyone with a military background to join our post. It’s obvious that we and the AMVETS in general are very welcoming to females. Please consider joining.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250