January 2020
January, 2020

We have had a pretty calm winter so far.
There is a fish fry the 3 rd of January. A steak fry the 11th. I am going to try to get a crew to do burrito’s the 23rd. We will have planning meeting on the 23rd.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holidays. We have those days. Next is Valentines Day.
We have a leap year this year with 29 days in February.
There is not much news. We are waiting for the people to install our sign. (any day)
Pray for our troops at home and abroad, also our friends and family. I hope this year will be good for everyone.
Lloyd is still in Fremont.
I also want to thank the Auxiliary for their $1340 donation for the new sign.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
Not much going on this Month, guess we will try to keep warm.
Lyle Piefer
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
It’s pretty quiet on the news front this month, so this will be pretty short.
Our new sign is now installed. The message portion is yet to be operational, but that will probably happen in the next few days. It is pretty nice to see both the VFW and AMVETS posts displayed prominently. Hopefully the sign will help us in our recruiting efforts as well as drawing more attention to our events.
Our first meeting of 2020 is on the 7th of January at 7 p.m. It would be nice to see a few new faces .
Wishing a prosperous and happy 2020 to all and most especially to the veterans and active duty personnel.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250