February 2020
February, 2020

We have our new sign up and working. We still have a few glitches to work out yet.
We have had a pretty calm winter so far.
The Auxiliary has their monthly Fish Fry on the 7th. VFW has the Steak Fry on the 8th, We are going to try to do Burritos on the 22nd.
We have had some additional donations for the new sign. .AMVET Riders $750 & Friends of then VFW $2000.
We have had some big bill to pay this month. Taxes $4500, septic system $1300, which would have been much larger if Bob Moneybrake hadn’t done a LOT of work on it for free.
Bob has also been snow blowing and changing the lettering on the small sign on the north driveway. A big thank you to Bob Moneybrake.
Not much more news. Lloyd Fowler is still in Fremont.
It’s not much longer before spring. Lets hope the rest of the winter is easy on us.
God Bless our troops home and deployed.
Everyone take care and be safe.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
We will be having our pool tournament Feb 28 and 29 in Belding. Starts at 9;00 AM We have two teams this year, come on over and have a great time.
Lyle Piefer
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
Well, here we are Ground Hog day already. In another month we can get into some serious “Think spring”.
Our February meeting is on the 4th. I would like to see a larger group in attendance this month. We have been getting a few new members, but not too many are coming to the meetings.
Nobody else has mentioned it yet so I will. Tony and Jennifer are doing a Chili Cook-off on Sunday the 16th of February. There is a $5 entry fee for your recipe, but the tasting and voting is free for everyone. There are always some super good recipes, so you might have to taste a few more than once before you make your decision 😉 😉
It is time to start thinking about who is going to be running the Post in 2020-2021. Our own Richard (Pop’s) Devoe, who is currently Department of Michigan 1st Vice will be up for Department Commander this June. I know that it is a little early, but I’m hoping that we can get some decent representation at the convention to help get him elected.
If you have friends or relatives that are either veterans or active duty, we would like to meet them. Bring ‘em in and show them what a great facility we have and all that we have to offer.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250