July 2020
July, 2020

The Auxiliary has the Fish Fry on the 3rd. The AMVETS will have the Steak Fry on the 11th of July. Lets all come out and help support the Post..
We are having burgers again on Wednesday’s. Hopefully the restrictions will be off before long.
We paid out a lot of money during the shutdown and none coming in.
The year is half gone already.
There isn’t much news. I hope everyone has a safe and good 4th of July.
Croton is not having a parade or fireworks this year.
Laurie Dunlap and Jack Dufort are home. Lloyd Fowler is still in Fremont. Marvin Ryman lost his mother.
God Bless our troops home and deployed. Have a safe holiday.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
It is good to be back in business again. We will resume normal operations as far as meetings, etc. is concerned. Our July meeting is on July 7 at 7 P.M. Please join us. We have a real need to get back into the swing of things, as the demands of those that we help support did not diminish due to Covid 19. Those particular needs have in fact became greater as other supporting actors faced the same restrictions that we did.
Because AMVETS, Department of Michigan has canceled their 2020 Convention, the existing Department Executive Committee will remain in office until the 2021 Convention. Individual posts are free to hold elections when they are able to meet. For Post 4250 that is this July meeting. Please consider assuming a leadership role.
Hopefully, there is a pent up demand for the Steak Fry on July 11. The post checkbook is in need of a transfusion.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250