August 2020
August, 2020

Newaygo Junior and Senior Prom was a success and they thanked us for the use of the hall.
We had a good Rib Cookoff and Cornhole Tournament on August 1st. The Aux. has the Fish Fry on the 7th and the post the Steak Fry on the 8th.
I hope that we don’t have to shut down again. We might not make it bake open. Our funds are low.
There doesn’t seem to be much news so I guess I’ll close. I haven’t heard anything about a parade on Labor Day. I will try top find out.
God Bless this United States and wish it was united again..
God Bless our troops at home and deployed. Everyone stay safe and hopefully healthy.
Larry Reid, Commander
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
We had our monthly meeting on Tuesday the 4th and welcomed another new member. We have been seeing a few new faces lately.
Our Steak Fry on July 11 helped get us a little more on track again. We did have to make some adjustments to the menu because the new mandated Covid regulations and also because of the difficulty in staffing a steak fry. Thankfully VFW post Commander Larry Reid has been able to come up with people to help us out.
District V Meeting is Sept. 20 at Post 126 in Grand Rapids. Lunch is at 12 noon and the meeting at 1p.m.
Department Fall Conferences are Oct. 2,3,&4 at the Crown Plaza on 28th St. in G.R. This is the last Department event on our side of the state for awhile.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250