April 2021
April, 2021

I would like to thank Chance Mayle and Brian Middleton for the benefit they put on at the VFW. It helps the post continue to stay open.
The fish fry is the 2nd. Here it is, Easter already on the 4th. The steak fry on the 10th.
There weren’t many members at our last meeting. We had the nominations for 2021-2022 officers and barely had enough present to have a quorum. The April meeting on the 8th will be final nominations and the election. As I mentioned last month we have some important positions that need to be filled as some current officers have decided that it is time to step down. If you would like to put your input in on running Post 4249 pleas step up and volunteer for a position. ALL positions must be filled or our Charter will be pulled. VFW Department of Michigan will own the building and everything in it.
It would be nice to see more people at the meeting, even if you can’t fill a position.
I guess I’ve said enough, so I’ll close for now. Take care and be safe.
God bless our troop, deployed and at t home.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I hope that you all have a safe and healthy Easter weekend. Just remember Spring is coming! Every other day it seems it’s coming with the temperature ranges that we’ve been having.
The Auxiliary will be having our fish and shrimp dinner Friday April 2nd from 5:00-7:00.
Just a reminder that we raised our fish fry price to $8.00. The shrimp dinner price will remain the same.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, April 12th at 6:00. We’ll be having nominations and elections at this meeting so a good turnout would be appreciated and helpful. Thank you for your participation.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar and come and help and participate when you can.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
Be safe and think SPRING!
Jim O’Neil
For the last five years AMVETS Department of Michigan has been holding it’s conferences and convention on the west side of the state at Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza in Grand Rapids.
Moving forward, after a year of shutdowns and restrictions, the 2021 Convention will be held at Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac June 17-20, 2021. There is a link to book reservations at: http://www.amvetsmichigan.org/membership/conferences-and-convention/ The last day to book is 28 May, 2021
Locally, the shutdowns and restrictions have put a serious crimp in our ability to carry on. We have tried to hold regular meetings for the last two months, but failed to attract enough members for a quorum. It would be great if we could break that streak for our April meeting, which is Tuesday, April 6 at 7 p.m.
We too, have a bit of a crisis in the making in that we need help filling positions of leadership. If you can see your way to devoting a few hours a month toward a worthy cause, we would love to see you.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250