August 2021
August, 2021

The Labor day parade, which had been scheduled for Friday, September 3 at 6 p.m. has now been officially canceled. We usually participate, but with the awkward time that it was to take place this year, we would have been bringing it to membership as to whether we would take part this year. It is now a moot point.
The Auxiliary has the fish fry on the 6th of August.. VFW has the Steak Fry o the 14th. The September Fish Fry has been canceled , as it would have been on September 3rd.
I hope that we get more freedom as time goes by.
There hasn’t been too much going on at the Post, so not much to write about.
God Bless our at home and deployed. Everyone be safe and enjoy the nice weather.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I hope that you are all having a safe and enjoyable, and healthy summer.
The Auxiliary will be having their monthly fish fry August 6th. We will not be doing the fish fry in September. But we are also looking at different options for dinners. The Auxiliary will keep you posted on events that may come up. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, August 9th@ 6:00.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar and come and help and participate when you can.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
Be safe and stay healthy.
Jim O’Neil
President, VFW 4249 Auxiliary
Our new Department Commander is busy putting together her strategic plans to help move Department of Michigan forward. She has a couple of new ideas that have very good potential.
On the home front, the good news is that we did have enough participants for a quorum for our July meeting. Hopefully that will continue for our August meeting, August 3.
Otherwise there’s very little to report except that we do need new members, so if you are eligible please consider joining a very worthy organization.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250