October 2021
October, 2021

Aux has the fish fry on the 1st, AMVETS have the steak fry on the 9th.
The Grant/Ashalnd fire Dept.is having a benefit spaghetti dinner on the 23rd.
I would like to thank Grant Rocket Football for their $350 donation that they gave the post and also Amy Chase for setting up the donation.
I also want to thank our Honor Guard for their donation of $1564 from the fish fry on the 24th of Sept. From the fisherman who caught and cleaned the fish, the many who helped in the preparation, and to those that cooked and served the meal it is greatly appreciated. One hundred eighty-one dinners were served. Thank you all for a great effort.
The leaves are starting to fall and bow season is here..
I would like to have a Thanksgiving Dinner this year. The only way that that can happen is if I can get some help in putting it together. And, of course donations.
I will close for now.
God Bless the U.S.A and our Military, at home and deployed.
Everyone be safe and have a wonderful Fall.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
It is our turn to host the Steak Fry this month on the 9th. If you can find a way to give us a hand, it would be greatly appreciated.
Our monthly meeting is Tuesday the 5th at 7 p.m. We have been struggling, as of late, to have enough members to constitute a quorum, so please try to make this meeting. We are trying very hard to plan some activities that would help us build our post.
I have been informed by my step-son, a member of Elk Rapids Post 114 Sons of AMVETS, that they will visit our post an Saturday Oct. 16 as part of a multi-post run that they are putting together. If you have the time, please consider joining us as we welcome our friends from the north country. They plan on arriving around 2 p.m. We are working on a food offering, as they will be hungry as well as thirsty.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250