May 2022
May, 2022
I want to thank everyone who attended the meeting and welcome our many new members. A heartfelt appreciation to the multiple younger veterans whom accepted nominations for positions in the VFW of Newaygo. We are looking forward to working with this new group of officers.
The next meeting of VFW Post 4249 will be held Thursday, May 12, 2022. At this time the swearing in of officers will be held. Please plan on attending.
We will honor our fallen comrades on Memorial Day. Services led by the Honor Guard will be held as usual at local cemeteries.
The Euchre group continues to meet on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:30 pm.
Bill Simon,
Commander VFW Post 4249
Welcome to spring. Kind of. Hopefully the weather will turn nice and stay that way..
The Auxiliary will have our fish fry Friday, May 6th from 5:00-7:00.
We had our Auxiliary meeting April 21st and thank you for the turn out and we were able to have nominations and hold an election.
The May Auxiliary meeting will be held Thursday, May 19th at 7:00..
We’re looking forward to new members joining the Auxiliary..
Stay healthy and keep up to date on the Post’s activities.
Jim O’Neil
President, VFW 4249 Auxiliary
Hello all, we might have some spring coming, but I’m going to jinx it by saying so out loud.
Our April meeting was much better attended than the last couple of attempts. I certainly hope it can continue.
We were able to hold our first nominations for 2022/2023 Post officers and if everyone accepts, we will be good to go for the next year.
We did talk about trying to get back to doing some of the programs that we had put on hold due to member participation. Americanism was mentioned, as the our former Riders Chapter was quite successful with the program when they did it..
The Riders also sponsored the blood drive which also did fair. There are several other possibilities which we will be discussing in upcoming meetings.
We also are going to be stepping up our membership drive along with making contact with people who were formerly on the roster, but have not renewed. If you are in that category please consider rejoining us.
The AMVETS will be hosting the May steak fry which is on the 14th. If you are available to help we would appreciate it very much.
Burrito night and Karaoke will NOT held this month due to it being Memorial Day weekend. We will resume Burrito’s again on June 25th.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250