April 2023
April 2023
The April Steak Fry will be held Saturday the 8th and is hosted by the Auxiliary.
The euchre group continues to meet on Tuesdays and Fridays and is open to all euchre players.
The April post meeting is Thursday the 13th at 5:30 p.m. We will be final nominations 2023-2024 post officers and the election. Swearing in takes place after the election and the new officers take over June 1st.
All members are encouraged the monthly meeting.
Bill Simon,
Commander VFW Post 4249
The Auxiliary will not be having their monthly fish and shrimp fry Friday, April 7th due to it being Good Friday.
The Auxiliary will be hosting the Steak Fry
Saturday, April 8th. Serving is from 5:00-7:00. p.m.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Thursday, April 20 @ 7:00. p.m.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar. Please help when you can.
Jim O’Neil
President, VFW 4249 Auxiliary
Our regular monthly meeting for April is on Tuesday the 4th at 7 P.M. This meeting is important as we will hold first nominations for 2023-2024 Post officers.
We have been unable to attract a quorum for the last two meetings, so this will be an indication of where we are heading.
It’s quite ironic that we are now more financially stable that we have ever been and we are now struggling to stay alive because of participation problems.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250
April 2023 — No Comments
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