June 2016
June, 2016 Newsletter
Commanders Comments
First, I would like to thank everyone that helped make our Memorial Day services successful. We had a little larger crowd at most of the cemeteries this year and quite a bit larger crowd at the Bridgeton Wreath Drop. The added bonus at Bridegton that I spoke of last month was a Missing Man Formation, with five aircraft. It really was a beautiful presentation.
AMVETS Riders Chapter 4250 had a very nice turn out at the bridge, and a couple of the cemeteries as well as the final ceremony at the post. It’s great to see them coming together as another positive force under our roof.
We are not that far away from 4th of July right now. We are going to continue with serving chicken quarters for our annual barbeque, as it was so successful last year. We will be serving on Sunday, July 3 this year, with the Post being closed on July 4.
As I mentioned last month, this years Past Commanders and Past Presidents dinner is going to be in a little different format than what we have been doing. Instead of a formal sit down dinner as we have had in the past, we will be hosting a Post Appreciation day honoring our past Commanders and Presidents. It will not be on a Saturday night, but on a Sunday afternoon, instead. We have lined up Band of Gold and they are scheduled to play from 2-6 pm. The meal will be potluck with the post supplying the meat and everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass. We have advertised the event in the Times Indicator and would love to have a large turnout
I mentioned last month that the posts web page was being updated. The update is now complete and at http://www.vfw4249.org. I hope that the new design will be a little more useful to the users. I know that it is definitely easier to maintain. And that is due to the calendar. This calendar is set up so that it’s one click to add additional dates for the same type of event. Additionally, a prospective hall renter can now go directly to the “Hall Rental” page to determine if the hall is available on their preferred date. Carol, who is our hall rental contact person, now also has the ability to add dates of “In Use” without having to contact anyone else. She can simply log in with her own account to access and edit that information.
One of the other major benefits of the update lies in the way that newsletters past additions are handled. They are automatically archived as new additions are added. That might not seem all that important to the user, but it is hugely helpful when adding the newsletters to the website each month.
June 11 is the next steak fry and, as usual, help is needed. When the weather gets nice it’s a little harder to find people. We are particularly in need of a steak cooker this month. All of our regulars are not available, so if any of you knows of someone who can handle 150 or more steaks in two hours please let us know.
Please note that the Post will be closed also on July 2nd for an event. The Post Closed days are also shown on the online calendar.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
Presidents Corner
Do hope your Memorial Day was special.
June starts off with the Bake sale on Wed. the first of the month.
Then on Sunday the fifth is the Past Commanders, Past Presidents, Post appreciation Picnic, starting at 2:00pm. Everyone is welcome, just bring a dish to pass. The Post will provide the meat.
The Post has the Steak Fry on Sat. the 11th. Please step up and give them a hand.
Our next Aux. meeting will be on Monday the 13th. of June at 7:00pm. This is the new time and I hope it works for everyone.
The famous Post Chicken Bar-B-Q is going to be on Sunday the 3rd. of July. Be sure to mark your calendar.
Jane Clear
President, VFW Auxiliary
Cootie Convention is over and the newly elected officers will take over at the next Scratch and meeting.
The Wednesday night Cootie burgers and more are going well. Come down and enjoy a night out and meet old friends and maybe meet new ones and have dinner. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, brats, hot dogs, chicken strips and french fries. Have a nice cold drink.
The Vfw Auxiliary and MOCA Auxiliary are still having their bake sale on the first Wednesday of each month. Starting at 4:00 PM. Come down and buy a pie, cookies, bread,brownies etc. You don’t have to bake during the hot weather, we do it for you.There are a lot of delicious home baked goodies.
Joanne is taking summer clothes for men and women veterans at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. No underware or sox please unless they are brand new and still in the packages. Due to State Health regulations,they can’t be accepted. No yard sale items please with sale tags on the items. If you donate and want a receipt for income taxes please let me know and I will get one to you. I’ll need your name and address. Boots and shoes are also accepted. Please remember Summer clothes only.
To those that have lost a loved one you have our deepest sympathyTo those that are sick we wish you a very speedy recovery.
Adelle Sass is back home now and doing better every day, after her stroke.
Well the warm weather has made it here and we are warming up. There are a lot of things happening at the Post month and next.
June 5 is the post Past Commanders and Presidents picnic. Everyone is welcome just bring a dis to past.
June 7 is Amvets meeting and this is the meeting where the officers are sworn in, I would like to see as many members attend as possible meeting at 7:00 pm.
June 7 at 6:00 pm is the Ladies Amvets Aux meeting.
June 11 is the Post teak fry if you can help call the Post and let Dan know.
June 13 is the Post Ladies Auxmeeting at 7:00 pm
June 14 is Amvets Riders meeting at 7:00pm.
Charlie Clear
AMVETS Post 4250 Commander