September 2016
September, 2016 Newsletter
If you have not already noticed it, the big “For Sale” sign is gone from the ball park property. The ball park property had been for sale for the last 5-6 years that I know of. The sign is gone because we accepted an offer in early July and closed the sale on Friday, August 26. We are now one step closer to our goal and makes it that much easier to meet our financial obligations each month.
It’s hard to believe that Labor Day weekend is already staring us in the face, but here it is. We will be doing BBQ Chicken on Sunday along with the parade downtown. We will have as many marching as are able, plus I have a trailer lined up for our “Float”. D.A.D. Sales and Service in Grant is gracious enough to let us use one of his rental units. Because all of the old float material has somehow gone by the wayside, I bought some new banners to decorate with. We do need someone with a nice looking truck to pull the trailer, though.
Our first Burrito Night in this building was a great success. We sold about 80 burrito’s. It might not sound all that impressive, but when you consider that it was on the last weekend before Labor Day, and many people are trying to get last minute vacations, etc., in before the official end of summer, I think that it went very well. The crew did an excellent job of getting the food out expeditiously. The actual presentation of the plate was great. As well, the band was very entertaining and people were here dancing until 9:30. We did good enough that the consensus is that we will do it again next month.
As per VFW National By-Laws,the disbandment of the Men’s Auxiliary will be effective January, 1, 2017 as voted at the 117th National Convention.
In a nutshell, the Men’s Auxiliary is officially disbanded and unchartered on Jan. 1, 2017. Of course, at our post that is a moot point to the members of our Men’s Auxiliary. Our open license allows us to serve them irregardless of that status. However, for those that are snow birds or other travelers, if you wish to enter VFW Post’s in your travels, you will need a membership card from the VFW Auxiliary to enter them.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
p.s. As I mentioned earlier, we do need a nice looking truck to pull our trailer Sunday in the parade.
Presidents Corner
September 4th is the chicken BBQ at the VFW post starting at noon. Ladies please step up and help selling the chicken. There will also be a parade in Newaygo, we will have a float donated by DAD’S trailer rental and sales from Grant. There will be a table set up on the trailer for riders to throw the candy. There will be a sign up sheet
posted for the time you want to work.
Sisters don’t forget to pay your 2017Auxiliary dues by Dec.31st. It’s time to become a life member. The membership dues will be going up 15% January 1st.
We are getting our fist male member signed up to our Auxiliary. We are looking for other men to join the Auxiliary.
September 7 is the Auxiliary’s bake sale. We would appreciate your donation of baked goods or money, We have a nice variety of baked goods for your picking.
We would like to see more members at our meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. You don’t know what is happening unless you attend a meeting.
Hope to see some new faces. The meetings only last about an hour. So please take the time to attend a meeting.
Joanne Atkinson,
The treasurer has sent out the 2017 dues reminders for the MOCA . Please pay your VFWAux dues first then your MOCA dues. Send your $20.00 to Nancy Ping 4631 N. Peacock Tr. Irons Mi 49644. Or you can drop them off at the VFW post.
The Cootie Wednesday night burgers and more are going pretty good. Come down and try a hot dog, brats, chicken basket, hamburg and french fries. They do a good job cooking for you. You don’t know what you are missing unless you try it.
Joanne is still taking Summer clothes only to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans for men and women. If you donate socks and underware they have to be brand new and still in packages. Due to health care rules by the state. September will be the last month for summer clothes. Then she will start on winter clothing.
The Auxiliaries are still having their first Wednesday of the month bake sale. It starts at 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. There is always a good variety of baked goods for your choosing
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy. To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.