October 2016
October, 2016 Newsletter

We have had two burrito nights now and so far, so good. The first time we did them we sold about 80 burrito’s and the second time it was 125. We had a bigger crew the second time and it was a good thing that we did.
It does bring up an ongoing situation that everyone who really wants the post to succeed is going to have to understand. I realize that I run the risk of sounding like a broken record. But, the fact is that it takes people to run successful events like Steak Fry’s and Burrito Nights. We have done fairly well with Steak Fry’s. It takes about 15 people to run a Steak Fry. Now if you want to keep from working the crews to death, it would be nice to only have to ask each person work one steak fry every 3 or 4 months. If we wanted to promise only every three months, it will take 45 different faces. Not maybe 20 different faces with each person wearing a different hat when they represent the different organizations that they belong to. I know that I have said it in the past, but I bears repeating. I have asked friends and family members to help in the past and will do so again. I know for a fact that others have done the same in the past. The snow birds will start leaving shortly, so that does add a little pressure.
October is going to be a little busier than normal because we have The Tickled Pink Cancer Survivors Benefit on the 15th. Barb Hemmeke is leading the event. I’m quite certain that she is in need of more high school aged kids to help with the serving of the food. It gives the students a great opportunity to get community service, plus it leaves the adults free to spend money on a very worthy cause. Please give Barb a call at 231-225-8077 for specifics of what she needs.
For those that don’t already know it or figured it out, the Post is closed on October 15 for the Tickled Pink Survivors benefit. Advanced tickets are still available
or can they be purchased at the door.
Also, in October is the 1st Annual Harvest Moon Festival Parade in Grant. We have, in the past, declined the invitation to participate, but they have shortened the route. That, and we again have the been granted the use of a nice trailer to use as a float. We will again be asking for a volunteer with a nice looking truck to pull the float. The parade is on Saturday, October 8 at 10:30 A.M. We of course would like the AMVETS, AMVETS Auxiliary, and AMVETS Riders to participate as well.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
Presidents Corner

According to Commander Dan, the Burrito night on the last Saturday of the month are going pretty good. But they can always use extra help once in awhile to give someone else a break. It starts at 5:00 PM. Come and support the Post.
Our Friday night Shrimp and Wings are going pretty good. But we could always use some extra help once in awhile. We start at 5:00-7:00.
The next Auxiliary bake sale is Oct. 5th on the first Wednesday of the month. We need your donations of baked goods or monies. Anything would be appreciated.
The Auxiliary meetings are the 2nd. Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. We would like to see more attendance of our members. The Auxiliary took in a new male member last month and will soon be taking another one. So gentleman we are looking forward to you joining us. It would be nice to see some new faces at the meetings. Our meetings usually last about an hour.
There will not be a Halloween party this year as there isn’t enough attendance.
If you would like to volunteer to go to Grand Rapids Home For Veterans for Bingp on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month contact Glenda Abbott.
Gall her at 1-231-245-7993. She would be happy to have you.
Joanne Atkinson
President, VFW Auxiliary
Well another month has past and the kids are back in school. Are you watching for them running out in front of your car? Please be care-ful when driving around the schools.
The Cooties are still doing their Wednesday night burgers and more. Are you going down and enjoying the burgers, chicken, hot dogs, brats and fries? If not you don’t know what you are missing. You could come down and give them a hand once in awhile to help them out. You could donate a couple of hours to help cook. They would appreciate it.
SISTERS: Are your 2017 MOCA dues paid? Most of you are life VFW Aux. members and can pay your dues now. You should have received your dues notice by now reminding you that your dues are due. Please send your $20.00 To Nancy Ping 4631 N. Peacock Tr. Irons Mi 49644. Let”s be 100% paid by the middle of December 2016. PLEASE PLEASE.
Joanne is starting to take WINTER clothes only for the men and women at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. Please no summer clothes. Underwear and socks have to be new and still in packages.
The two Auxiliaries are still having their bake sale on the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00-7:00 PM. We have a great variety of baked goods to choose from. Cookies, cakes, pies, tarts, french bread, cheese bread, apple bread ;Come and pick out what you can’t do without.
SISTERS: Our meetings are on the third Thursday of the monthat 1:00PM Come and join us to see what is happening in the MOCA. You don’t know unless you attend a meeting. It would be nice to see some new faces.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.