April, 2016
April, 2016 Newsletter
For the second month in a row we have great news of an event that happened during the last month. This, of course, has to do with the Parker Benefit that we hosted on February 26. Parker is a baby that has spent the first 6 weeks of his life in the hospital. We were asked to provide the hall at no charge, which we did.
The benefit was a huge financial success, not only for the family of the baby, but also for the post. It goes without saying that our reward goes much further than what the actual monetary value is.
Additionally, we all can be very proud of our staff. They worked for a brutally long 9 ½ hours, non-stop, only taking breaks when someone insisted that they do. There were 3 bartenders plus an additional 3-4 people keeping the coolers full. Two cash registers were needed.
Jane brings up the their meeting on Apr. 10. and it’s importance to the actual existence of our Auxiliary. It is a very solemn event that they are faced with. I’m sorry to sound repetitive for additionally asking members and prospective members to think about their decision to continue sitting on your hands. Jane does not mention it in her talk this month but it bears repeating that the Auxiliary is no longer the Ladies Auxiliary. It accepts male or females who have necessary relationship to a VFW member.
Now on to our own situation at the post level. We, of course have to wait until our meeting on the 14th of April before we can officially declare that our leadership crisis is over. I can say that we appear to have weathered the storm, but it does have to be officially voted on at the meeting.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
Presidents Corner
It looks like Spring has finally arrived. Soon we will have our snow birds back and things will get busy.
There is a craft sale at the Post on the 2nd. of April. Check it out, there is so much to see.
The Aux. and MOCA is having their first Wed. of the Month Bake Sale on the 6th. of April from 4 to 7:00p.m. Be sure to pick up your favorite treats.
The Aux. has the Steak Fry on the 9th. of April. We will need help to make it go smoothly. You don’t need to be asked, just step up and volunteer.
The 10th. of April will be one of the most important meetings for the Aux. We will be deciding the future of this Aux. If the Aux. is important to you, THIS is the meeting you need to attend. After several years with only a minimal number of people stepping up to hold positions in the Aux. we now find the people that have held offices can no longer do so for various reasons.
For this Aux. to continue we need members to step up and take positions and follow through with the responsibility of those offices. If we do not fill all the positions at the next meeting, which is Sunday April 10 at 2:00p.m. we will be taking a vote to disband the Aux.
If you have concerns or questions, a Dept. Rep. will be there, so please bring them to the meeting. Not the Canteen.
Thank you for your time,
Jane Clear
President, VFW Auxiliary
The MOC and MOCA elections for the new officers for 2016-2017 are over and the new officers will take over after the Cootie Convention May 20—21st. Our MOCA installation will take place after our meeting on March 17th.
There will no longer be a first Sunday of:the month dinner. Due to the lack of participation. As there is alot of money and time spent and not enough profit.
The Friday fish dinners will continue all through Lent. It is being done by the Men’s Auxiliary.
April is the last month of taking winter clothes to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. Then I will start taking summer clothes only for the men and women veterans at the home. Socks and underware must be new and still in packages.
The Cootie Wednesday burgers are still going good. Come down and try some of the burgers, chicken, and fries.
The MOCA meets on the third Thursday at 1:00 PM at the VFW post. It would be nice to some new faces there.
The VFW auxiliary and the MOCA is having a bake sale on the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Please support the auxiliaries in their project. You never know what you might find and want. At least you don’t have to bake it is done for you.
It looks like winter has come back for awhile. But it won’t be long before we alr all outside doing our spring cleaning of our yards.
Jack Grime is home from the hospital and doing pretty good. He is out and about. Let’s remember all the veterans that are sick and in the hospital in our prayers.
To those that have lost love ones, you have our deepest sympathy. To those who are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
Diick Mouthanm Hospitol Charmain
Joanne Atkinson President, Hospitol Chairmain
Well winter is just about over but with this last freezing rain and snow I don’t know I for one hope this is it.
We had our planing meeting Feb 24 and we have new stuff going on.
April 2 we are hosting a craft show from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
April 6 the Ladies AUX is having a bake sale from 4:00pm to 7:00pm
April 21 there is going to be a tupperware party from 5:00pm to 9;00pm.
We will be holding nominations for offices at our next meeting April 5 2016 at our 7:00pm meeting. I would like to see more people show up and maybe take a position.
We have a AMVETS steak fry coming up in May 14 as always we will be looking for help if you can just show up around 4:30 and we will put you to work, it isn’t hard and you may have some.
Our next meeting will be April 5 at 7:00pm
Charlie Clear,
Commander AMVETS Post 4250