April 2017
April, 2017 Newsletter

The Electronic Information Board is a work in progress. It still contains basically the same information, but I’ve been tweeking it a little at a time trying to improve the readability.
One of the topics on the board that needs stressing is the series of slides that deal with help needed for Steak Fry’s, Burrito’s, and Burger Nights. When these events are successful, we always have a good night at the bar. So, in a sense, it’s these food events that really drive our success.
What we are asking for is one more crew for Steak Fry’s, (15 people) and one more crew for Burritos(8 people). Preferably, this would be 23 completely different people. The idea is to keep people from having to work an event any more often than every other month.
The planning committee is trying to make a decision concerning our Past Commanders and Past President’s dinner. Last year we moved to to June because of the busyness of May. That, and it was called a Post Appreciation day, instead. It is one of those things that a little input from membership is needed.
Don’t forget that the District 12 meeting is on Sunday, April 9 at the Post. Lunch is at 11:30, the meeting is at 1 p.m. I am asking as many members to attend as possible.
The Burrito night in April is will be on the 29th, which is the 5th Saturday instead of the 4th. This is because we have ½ of the hall rented for a wedding on the 22nd.
I am making one LAST plea for members to attend the April 13 Post meeting and strongly consider taking a position. If there are not officers, there is no post.
As I mentioned last month MOC Pup Tent 11 is no more. We have sent the charter back.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
April 5th will be starting the bake sale for the Auxiliaries this year. So look forward to purchasing some fresh home made goodies.
April 10th is the auxiliary next meeting with election of officersfor 2017-2018. Please try to attend this very important meeting and accept an office. This includes the men that joined the auxiliary. We need you to step up and help us out. Or we might have
to fold and we don’t want to see that happen. As you joined the auxiliary to play pool in the tournament and go into other VFW posts. We haven’t seen any of you men since other that at the bar for a cheap drink. We need you to step up and come to the meeting on , Monday at 7:00 PM/ Hope to see all of you men at the meeting.
April 9th is 12th district meeting at our own VFW post. We will have lunch between 11:00 and 11:30 AM The meeting will start right after lunch around 1:00. Come and show the 12th district that we are interested in keeping our charter. If somebody don’t step up and take an office we will have to decide what to do. Do you want to lose everything some people have worked so hard to keep the post and auxiliary in existence since 1946. Not only if the VFW can’t have an election then the doors will close and then where will you go for a cheap drink? There will be no more VFW Post 4249.
On April 14th Good Friday there will not be a fish fry. The VFW Auxiliary will start the shrimp and wings again. Then we will all go back to regular schedule.
Don’t forget we will have an audit on April 10th at our meeting. lnstallation of officers will take place at our May meeting if we don’t fold.
Joanne Atkinson
President, VFW Auxiliary
We are waiting to hear from PT 14 in Wyoming if they want an Auxiliary. If they will adopt us we will be under PT 14. But we will still hold our meetings up here at our own post. That is if the Post is Still open. Otherwise we will be transferring to other M0C AuXiliaries.
We will be doing an audit at our April meeting April 20th.
April 21st we will be doing the Shrimp and wings again . Come and enjoy.
The VFW and MOC auxiliaries will be starting their bake sales on April 5th from 4:00 to 7:00 the first Wednesday of the month. Come and buy some of the homemade goodies made by our own members.
April is the last month of donations of winter clothing for men and women at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. Joanne will be taking summer clothes then in May. If you have clothing that you don’t wear but are still wearable donate them to the veterans. No underware or sox unless they are brand new and still in the packages.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovers.
AMVETS Post 4250 News
Well Jane and I made it back from AZ. We had a real good time and the weather was warm and dry.
The Ladies Aux is starting up the first Wed. of the month for their Bake Sale. First one is April 5 from 4 to 7:00pm.
AMVETS has the steak fry April 8 and we need help so if you can there is a sign up sheet on the board as you come into the Post or call me at 231 834 1083.
Tuesday April 4 is AMVETS meeting at 7:00pm this is the night we nominate people for officer for 2017-2018 so I would like all AMVETS to attend.
Charlie Clear
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250