April, 2018
April, 2018
Another month has gone. A quarter of the years is gone already. We made it thru winter. It wasn’t too violent. I’ll be glad when it gets to where it stays pretty even temperatures.
This is the first time that I can remember Easter and April Fools Day is the same day. I hope everyone made it thru winter without too much hardship or trouble.
We have a Fish Fry on the 6th of April. The AMVETS has the Steak Fry the 14th and Burrito’s the 28th. Last month’s Burritos was about the slowest one that we have had.
We are doing good with Burgers. We are trying to set up 3 teams. If you would like to help just step up. We can always use the help. That way someone could take someone elses place.
On April 13 instead of Shrimp/Wings the post is letting the Grant/Ashland Fire Department hold their Pancake Supper. So come on out and support the firefighters.
May 6th is the District 12 meeting in Manistee. The meeting starts a 12:30 instead of 1 p.m.
Last but not least, the Post meeting is April 12 where next years officers will be elected. First nominations were in the March meeting, second nomination and election is this month.
We still have the same people that are having health problems. God bless and be with them.
The snowbirds should be coming back before long.
May god bless our troops here and abroad and God bless America and everyone in it
Larry Reid
Commander, Post 4249
I’d like to wish a Happy Easter to all.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, April 16th instead of April 9th because I will be out of town for work that Monday. Nominations will be held at this meeting for officers with elections taking place at the May meeting.
Auxiliary membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
The Auxiliary put on the steak fry Saturday, March 10th. I’d like to thank those that helped. We were under manned and we pulled it off with flying colors do to the hard work by those that did show up!
The Auxiliary held the Fish fry on Fridays for 6 weeks during Lent. Thank you to all that participated and helped to make these a success! We do start back to Fish Fry’s on the first Friday again this month with the first one being on the 6th.
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
MOCA 14 had their installation last month with the Grand President Ivy Schaffer doing the installation. There were 3 cootie members in attendance.
We took in a new member last month from Grand Rapids. We hope to see her at the meetings. Our next meeting will be April 19th at 1:00 PM.
Joanne will start taking spring and summer clothes to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans for men and women. If you have spring or summer clothing that you don’t wear but are still wearable donate them to the veterans. Please no socks or underwear unless they are still in packages, due to Michigan state health rules.
Starting March 30th we will be going back to having shrimp and wings on Friday nights. The first Friday of the month the VFW Auxiliary will still have their fish fries along with the shrimp and wings.
April 20th will be MOCA Friday night shrimp and wings with fries and cole slaw for $6.00. Come and enjoy.
To those that have lost loved ones, you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
AMVETS 4250 NewsGreetings everyone. It seems to be a pretty slow news month, so I’ll try to be brief.
Our monthly meeting is on the 3rd. With it comes our election of officers for the next year. Our meetings have been pretty well attended and I want to thank all those that do take the time to be there.
We did have a very pleasant surprise in the mail this last week. Just when we thought that we had seen the last of the donations for our Rocking Wheelchair Challenge, another one came in. This was a check for $600 from the Sons of AMVETS Post 29 in Mount Clemens, Michigan. A big thank you goes out to them.
With our Steak Fry on the 14th comes a big dillema for me, as well as for Richard, Pop’s, DeVoe. It seems that AMVETS, Department of Michigan is holding conferences the 13th, 14th, and 15th up at Higgens Lake. Pop’s as Dept. 2nd Vice needs to be there, and I as the new Dept. Webmaster, have been invited also. So, I’m reaching out for help with the Steak Fry. If you can find a way, your help will certainly be appreciated.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell, Commander Post 4250