August 2016
August, 2016 Newsletter
I hope that everyone is enjoying this wonderfully warm summer so far.
As of Thursday, July 28 the post has been accepting credit cards. You will be able to purchase our food offerings as will as drinks at the bar with a credit card. It will require a little bit of a learning curve for the bartenders, but probably more so for the people who are working the window for steak fry, burger night, and Friday night food. Please be patient as we work the wrinkles out of this new way of doing business.
Sunday Aug. 7 is Michigan Day at VFW National Home for Children in Eaton Rapids, Michigan. If you have never been there, it is well worth the trip.
Camp Trotter Family Day is Aug. 20. We will try to have all of the particulars available at the post in the near future.
As you all already know we have been very successfully featuring a band during our normal steak fry on the second Saturday of the month. Then for our Post Appreciation Day in June we tried a different band. One which everyone who attended really enjoyed. So, during our planning meeting this month, we decided to see if we can have two successful Saturday nights a month with food as well as music. We have booked Band Of Gold for Saturday August 27. The food will be Burrito’s. Burrito’s were picked because of the relatively easy preparation and the fewer number of people required to serve and service the meal. Please mark Sat. Aug. 27 on your calendars. Come enjoy some good music and good food.
Well this is a short news month. Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
Presidents Corner
ATTENTION VFW AUXILIARY SISTERS’If you have paid your 2016 dues and have not received your membership card please contact me at 231-834-8705 or Gayle Porter at 231-652-4362. and please send proof as such, The
2017 dues are due now you can send them to Gayle Porter P0 Box 545 Newaygo Mi 49337. Or you can leave them at the VFW Post. Please leave your address when you pay. Or you could become a life member according to your age as follows: thru 20yrs. $220.00,21-25 yrs $210.00 26-30 yrs.$200.00, 31-35 yrs, $190.00,36-40 yrs. $185.00, 41-45yrs. $175.00,A6-50 yrs.$170.00, 51-55 yrs.$160.00, 56-60 yrs.$150.00. 61-65 yrs.$140.00, 66-70 yrs.$130.00,71-75 yrs.$115.00,76—80yrs.$95.00
81-85 yrs.$75.00, 86-90 yrs.$60.00. 91 and over $50.00. Think about becoming a life member.
I want to thank everyone that participated in the July 3rd chicken BBQ. It was a long day. Thank you ladies that marched in the Croton Parade.
At our August 8th meeting we will have an election of a trustee as Donna has resigned.
On July 23rd there was a Civil War renactment
at the Ashland Cemetary. Then about 40 of the participants came back to the club for lunch and a cold beer. They were all dressed in their costumes of that era. It went very well.
The VFW Auxiliary and MOC Auxiliary are still having their bake sale on the first Wednesday of every month. We have all varieties of baked
I hope everyone is staying comfortable in this unusual hot weather. If you don”t need to go outside don”t. Stay inside.
Joanne Atkinson
President, VFW Auxiliary
Sisters: Your 2017 MOCA dues are due. Please pay your VFW dues first, then your MOCA dues. Send your $20.00 to Nancy Ping 4631 N. Peacock Trail, Irons, Mi 49644. Or you can leave them at the
VFW and please make sure that you have your correct address. Your new card will be sent to you in a timely matter.
Have you tried the Cootie Burgers and more lately? They have Brats chicken strips w/ french fries. hot dogs, cheese burgers, hamburgers. You don’t have to cook dinner that night.
Friday nights are shrimp and chicken wings with cole slaw and french fries. All for the price of $6.00.
Come down on the first Wednesday night and support the VFW Auxiliary and MOC Auxiliary on their monthly bake sale. There are all kinds of baked goods.
Joanne is still taking summer clothes only for the men and women veterans at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans.. Underwear has to be brand new and still in package as well as socks, white only. Sizes from Medium to XXXLarge.I
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy. To those that are sice we wish you a speedy recovery.
Well here it is the end of July and summer is coming to a close, but we still have a little left.This summer has been hot and dry, but remember this com Jan.
The Post is going to add a credit card system so paying without cash will be possible.
Aug. 2 will be the Ladies AMVETS meeting at 6:00 pm and the AMVETS Post meeting at 7:00 pm
Aug 3 the Post Ladies Aux is having their bake sale.
Aug 9 will be the Riders meeting at 7:00 pm
Aug will be AMVETS steak fry and as always we could use help, if you can help call me at 231-834-1083 or show up at the Post at 4:30 and we will find you something you can do.
Charlie Clear
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250