August 2017

August, 2017 Newsletter
Another month has gone. Summer will be over before long. We still need help with post activities. We will be having BBQ the 3rd of Sept. We will be marching in the parade in Newaygo. We don’t know the date yet.
This first month has been a rough one for me. I am not the only one that makes decisions for the post. If you have an issue let me know and we will arrange for you to come to a meeting before start our regular meeting.
We had a good steak fry and pretty good burritos. Tony and Jen’s wedding receptions was a good time. A lot of people said it was the best party we have had in a while.
The AMVETS have the steak fry on the 12th of August and the burritos will be on the 26th . Family day at Camp Trotter is August 19th. Go and check out the camp.
Larry Reid
Commander. VFW Post 4249
This is hard to believe that we are into the month of August already. Where did the summer go?
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries as well as shrimp or wings with coleslaw and fries August 4th.
I would like to say thank you to the volunteers that helped at the fish fry as well as the steak fry. We went from being people short on the help list to having more than enough. That was awesome! All help was greatly appreciated!
I’m looking forward to more of the men from the Men’s Auxiliary joining the Auxiliary.
The Auxiliary is still having their bake sale on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 4:00-7:00 pm.
Thank you and looking forward to working together with the Post and other groups throughout the upcoming year.
I hope the rest of your summer is safe and enjoyable.
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
Saturday July 29 was just a perfect day for the carnival at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. There were over 1500 volunteers plus the staff working all day. There were over 300 patients and their families enjoying all of the games and food, plus the bands that played all day.
There were 3 MOCA members and 2 VFW Aux. Members working that day.
The VFW Auxilliary are still having their bake sale on the first Wednesday of each month. From 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Come and purchase some of the breads, cookies, and other homemade items for your sweet tooth.
Joanne is still taking summer cloths only for the veterans at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans men and women. Please no underwear or socks unless they are brand new and still in the packages.
Due to the Grand and Supreme MOCA raising their dues, we have to do the same. Our dues are $25.00 now instead of $20.00. It is to take effect immediately, Please send your dues to Nancy Ping. 4631 N. Peacock Tr. Irons, MI 49644.. Please pay your VFW dues first.
August 11th is the MOCA Friday night Shrimp and Wings Dinner. We would appreciater your help with this. Come and enjoy.
We would like to see more of our members at our meetings on the third Thursday of of each month at 1:00 PM. Next meeting will be August 20th. Hope to see you there.
If you are like me, summer is usually pretty busy with family picnics and many other activities. Be that as it may, the veterans that depend on organizations such as ours still need our help in the summer. We have a couple of invites that might be a chance to spend some time with your family and support veterans activities at the same time.
This Saturday, Aug. 5 at 11:00 a.m., at VFW Post 7979 in Evart, a Huey UH-1 Helicopter Dedication is taking place. Post 7979 is rightfully proud of their acquisition and your presence at this dedication will make it all the better for them. Post 7979 is located at 4681 5th St. Evart, MI.
The White Cloud Pow Wow is this Saturday and Sunday, August 5th and 6th. This event has three different performances. 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday the 5th plus one at 12 p.m. on Sunday the 6th. Flyers can be found on tables at the post. This event s sponsored by the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Several members of our Honor Guard take part in the Flag Raising Ceremony at 11 a.m. This years Flag Raising Ceremony will be a little more special this year, as they have arranged for a Fly Over as well. If you have never been to a Pow Wow it is well worth your time.
White Cloud’s Pow Wow keeps getting better and better each year.
It’s a little late to urge AMVET members to attend this month meeting, it being on the 1st of August, but mark your calendar for Sept. 5, next month’s meeting at 7 p.m.
I received this message from Past AMVETS 4250 Commander Eugene Kovach: “The State Son’s commander would like to assist us in starting a unit in Newaygo I am quite sure we have enough people interested, I think the problem will be finding someone to step up. State Commander is willing to work with us if we can find a few eligible sons to work with him.”
This is one of the things that I would like to get accomplished during my tenure as Commander of Post 4250. However, it will require help from the members. I will be doing personal solicitations to get this done.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell, Commander Post 4250