August 2022
August, 2022
There are new no smoking signs at all entrances to the building. They are located 25-30 feet from the door to comply with state regulations.
The Steak Fry is on the 13th and is hosted by the AMVETS this month.
The euchre group continues to to meet on Tuesdays and Fridays 6:30 p.m.
The August Post 4249 meeting is on Thursday Aug. 11 at 5 p.m.
Bill Simon,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I hope that you all are enjoying your summer. It’s hard to believe that Labor Day is just around the corner.
A Big Thank You goes out to all that helped at the July steak fry!!! It was a huge success!!
The Auxiliary will be having their monthly fish fry on the Friday, August 5th. There have been rumors that we wouldn’t be doing the fish fry anymore. Not true. We won’t be doing the fish fry on holiday weekends as a rule of thumb. If this changes we will let you know.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Thursday, August 18th @ 7:00. Please mark it on your calendars.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar and come and help and participate when you can.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities. With the new members and officers that joined the Post, the Auxiliary would welcome any eligible family members to join.
Be safe and stay healthy.
Jim O’Neil
President, VFW 4249 Auxiliary
As Commander Simon mentioned earlier it is AMVETS turn to host the August post Steak Fry. As per usual we will be needing some help, so if you can see your way to clear to give us a hand it will be greatly appreciated.
As mentioned last month AMVETS National Convention is in New Orleans, LA this year August 16-20. Go to: for more information and to book rooms.
We are picking up new members as we had hoped but it still remains a major challenge to get them to come to the meetings.
Bill also talked about the Logging Fest parade on Labor Day weekend. AMVETS members are welcome to join in.
Our regular monthly meeting for August is Tuesday the 2nd at 7 p.m. If you can make it we would certainly be happy to see you there.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250