December, 2019
December, 2019

I would like to thank everyone their Thanksgiving donations. It was a great success. Thank you to all of the workers.
The Fish Fry is Dec. 6
The post will be closed December 11. It is rented for a private party.
The AMVETS have the Steak Fry on the 14 th. The AMVETS Rider Have their Christmas Party on the 6th.
We should be getting our new sign soon.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and a safe one.
There is not much news.
God Bless everyone home and abroad.
Have good Holiday.
Larry Reid, Commander
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
You MIGHT get this before our December meeting at 7 p.m. on12/3.
With 2019 winding down there hasn’t been much happening locally, although we are very much looking forward to the new sign that is going up in the next week or two. Hopefully it will help us with attracting new members and new customers.
As Larry mentioned, the Steak Fry on the 14th is ours to host and, as usual, we can use some help.
The Riders Christmas Party is this coming Friday, the 6th.
Whether you know it or not, AMVETS has assumed a lead role in preventing veteran suicide in our county. Nationally, AMVETS launched the HEAL program in 2018. HEAL (healthcare, evaluation, advocacy, legislation)
aims to address and intervene where possible.
They have announced the public release of AMVETS Suicide Prevention & Crisis Intervention Course for SEAL Ambassadors.
If you have an interest in helping prevent veteran suicides you can get involved by visiting : and click the “Access HEAL Training” link at the top of the page.
The Veterans Crisis Line number is 1-800-273-8255
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250