December 2022
December, 2022
Then Thanksgiving Dinner was very well attended. Thanks to Jody, Craig, and all of the volunteers for a lot of planning and hard work.
This months steak fry, Saturday the 10th, will be hosted by the VFW.
The Euchre group continues to meet on Tuesdays and Friday at 6:30.
The December Post meeting will be on Thursday, Dec 8th at 5 P.M. VFW members ar encouraged to attend if able.
Bill Simon,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I hope that you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
The Auxiliary will not be having their monthly fish and shrimp fry Friday, December 2nd
due to the Christmas walk in downtown Newaygo.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Thursday, December 15th @ 7:00.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar. Please help when you can.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities. With the new members and officers that joined the Post, the Auxiliary would welcome any eligible family members to join.
The Auxiliary wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Jim O’Neil
President, VFW 4249 Auxiliary
Thank you to all those that helped make our November steak fry a great success. The AMVETS next turn to host the monthly steak fry will be February 2023. Wow, where did 2022 go so quickly.
We have previously been doing burrito’s on the 4th Saturday of the month, our last one being in October. With Novembers 4th Saturday falling on Thanksgiving weekend and Decembers on Christmas Eve they were, of course canceled.
Which brings us to the January event. With personnel that have already indicating that they will no longer participate we need to start recruiting help earlier than normal. So please consider helping with our January Burrito night.
This will, of course, will be a main topic at our December monthly meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 6 at 7:00 P.M.. If you are able please plan on attending.
Here’s wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250