January, 2017
January, 2017 Newsletter

If you haven’t noticed yet there is a new post in the center of the sliding curtain. It was put there to help keep the roof from sagging with a heavy snow load. Knock on wood that we won’t really need it this year. It is removable so that it can be taken out and stored in the spring. Many may not remember, but the year before we moved in to this building we needed to spend $2500 that we could ill afford to lose on getting the snow shoveled off of the roof. Many buildings with flat roofs did collapse that year.
I would like to set the record straight concerning Rhonda and her decision to step away from her job as a bartender at the post. It was a decision that she made for her own personal reasons. I only mention it because I have heard so many people theorizing that we as post leadership fired her. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The fact is that she could start again tomorrow if she so desired and we would be very happy to have her back.
As an aside, I wish that this was something that didn’t have to be addressed in the newsletter.
Charlie mentions that the AMVETS have voted to begin doing our Burrito Night cooking after the post offered them the opportunity. After they get accustomed to doing them the Post and the AMVETS will rotate. I see nothing wrong with offering the same opportunity to the Post Auxiliary.
I also would like to join Joanne in asking the former Mens Aux. members to join the new combined Auxiliary. If enough would join and begin participating it would be a very good thing for the post.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
The VFW Auxiliary welcomes all the new members to our great organization. We are looking forward to seeing you at our meetings on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.As of Jan. 1st the life membership dues will be as follows: Ages through 20yrs.$253.00,21—25 yrs $242.00 26-30 yrs $230.00,31-35 yrs $219.00, 36-40 yrs $213.00,41-45 yrs$201.00 46-50 yrs$196.00, 51-55 yrs $184.00, 56-60 yrs $173.00, 61-65 $161.00 66-70 yrs $150.00,71—75 yrs $132.00, 76-80 yrs $109.00 81-85 $86.00 86-90 yrs $90.00, 90 and over $58.00.
The Auxiliary would like to thank Jack and Laura Grimes for their great donation for the hat and mitten tree. The hats and mittens will be distributed to the 2 schools in Newaygo and 1 school in Grant. The auxiliary wishes to thank Mr & Mrs Don Christy of Grant and Arizona for
their donation for Christmas. A great big thank you to the Post for their generous donation from the Thanksgiving dinner. We appreciate all the donations very much. THANK YOU
Members of the Auxiliary we need your help when it is our turn on Friday night for shrimp and wings. Jane and Charlie will be taking a well deserved break as they will be traveling. So please step up and volunteer a couple of hours. I can’t do it all by myself. I need 2 workers
to do the cooking.
The Auxiliary has taken 19 new members to the VFW Auxiliary in the past 2 or 3 months. Most of them are men and we are very happy to have them. I hope they will start coming to meetings so they will know what we are all about THE VETERANS. Gentleman if you want to play pool in the pool tournament in February you must have an Auxiliary card for 2017. If you don’t join you can’t play.
Joanne Atkinson
President, VFW Auxiliary
The VFW, Cooties Pup Tent lost a very dedicated member on Dec 7th 2016. Bob Mulder was a past Commander and quartermaster of the post for years and also CCDB for the Cooties for years. There were only 5 members of the post and auxiliaries at the funeral plus the Honor
Guard. It was a bad showing of the members of the VFW. Where is your respect? Someday you will be in the same situation.
The Cootie Wednesday night burgers and more is going good. Come down and enjoy the burgers, hot dog , chicken, brats, and fries.
The MOCA Friday night Shrimp and Wings needs help on cooking the meals as Jane and Charlie are going to take a break and start traveling. They have worked their butts off for 3 or 4 Friday nights a month. So if anyone wants to help out please call me at 231-834-8705. I would appreciate any help I can get. I’ll need 2 people for cooking.
There are still a couple of sisters that have not paid their 2017 MOCA dues. You can’t attend a meeting until they are paid. Send your $20.00 to Nancy Ping at 4631 N Peacock Trail, Irons Mi. 49644. Or just leave them at the post.
As the year ends I want to Thank everyone that has helped on Friday night shrimp and wing dinner. The bake sale. We had a great year. All help was greatly appreciated.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
AMVETS Post 4250 News
I hope had a good Christmas and planning on a safe New Year. Just a reminder of the things that are going on at the Post in Jan.
3 and 17 are clinic days.
3 Jan AMVETS meeting at 7:00pm
14 Jan Riders steak fry
28 Jan Burrito night this is the night if you remember we voted to have 8 volunteers to learn how to do one. We need at least 8 people to do one.
Charlie Clear
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250
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