January 2019
January, 2019

We have been lucky with our low snowfall so fr this winter. Hopefully we don’t get dumped on the next few months.
Fish fry is on the 4 of Jan. Steak Fry is the 12th. AMVET Riders have it. A lot of the people who usually work them have gone south. It would be wonderful if more people would step up and volunteer..
We need help with burgers on Wednesday nights. I don’t think that it would hurt anybody to donate 3 or 4 hours once or twice a month. It would get you out of the house and help out our Post and fellow veterans.
The Post’s turn at Steak Fry is February 9 and Post membership voted to try something a little different. So, instead of a Steak Fry 2/9/19 will be serving BBQ Ribs. The thinking is that with the difficulty that we always have getting enough people to properly put on a steak fry we can do BBQ Ribs with about half as many people. The menu is not set in stone yet, but it will consist of a full rack of ribs, probably baked beans and a slice or two of garlic toast. We might decide to add cole slaw.
Also on behalf of our AMVETS Riders, we wish to thank all of you who donated to their Children’s Christmas party. You helped make the event a very successful one that will probably be repeated.
There is a Euchre Club coming Tuesday and Fridays starting Jan. 11.
There is not much other news, so I’ll close. Everyone stay safe and sound.
Hope the coming year is good to everyone. God bless our troops at home and deployed.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I hope that you are all enjoying this Holiday season. Colder weather and shorter days are here to stay. Hopefully we can get out and enjoy winter activities if Iso desired.
The Auxiliary will be having our monthly fish fry Friday, January 4th from 5:00-7:00 with shrimp and wings also available.
The Auxiliary will be having our monthly meeting Monday, January 14th at 7:00. 2019 dues are due the first of the year so please plan on getting those taken care of. A Life membership is also available with the cost being determined by your age. Applications are available at the Post.
With activities coming up in January please check out the calendar in the Newsletter.
The Auxiliary will be hosting the VFW Auxiliary State Pool Tournament February 14-16. There will be a 9 ball tourney Thursday night with the state tourney taking place February 15&16. We are still looking for players if you’re eligable.
Jim O’Neil
Stinky14 MOCA officially disbanded at their regular monthly meeting on November 15, 2018.