July 2016
July, 2016 Newsletter
Commanders Comments
I and some of the other officers had a training session at Camp Trotter on Saturday June 25 where we were instructed in many aspects of keeping our post running in accordance with all Dept. and National bylaws. One of the topics talked about, and this is more informational than training, was the status of the Men’s Auxiliary. We were told that there will be a vote at the National Convention July 23-27 in Charlotte, N.C. as to whether the Men’s Auxiliary will be eliminated or not. So we will have to wait until then to find out. I know that it has been on a lot peoples minds since last year when the Ladies Auxiliaries where officially renamed VFW Auxiliary.
A special thanks to Bob Moneybrake for the work that he is doing to add shelving behind the bar. I know that the bartenders are very happy with what he has done. Even though it is still a work in progress, thank you Bob.
Joanne often mentions that Wednesday night Burgers and More is still being held each week from 5-7 p.m. I would like to add that while we are not as crippled for help as we have been in the past, we are still in need of an extra person or two. We are currently able to adequately staff one crew, but are a little short on the other crew. If you can find time we would certainly appreciate the help.
The importance of Wednesday Night Burgers cannot be over emphasized. Wednesday has always been the best night, income wise of the week. That is because a good food offering always makes for a good bar night. This is the reason that we are constantly pushing and trying different food ideas.
Along those lines we tried a new band at the Post Appreciation Day in early June. Everyone that I talked to liked what they heard. The group is called Band of Gold. What I told them at the time was the I would very much like to come up with a different food offering for the 4th Saturday of the month. We always have steak on the 2nd Saturday, what do you think would be a good choice for the 4th Saturday? Burrito’s have been mentioned and so has something like ribs. Your input will be appreciated.
Of course, with a new venue day comes the need for more members to step forward. We are adequately staffing most of our events, but, as I’ve said in the past, looking closely shows many of the same faces just wearing different hats. Here is a thought that I have never brought before you. If each person could help with just one event every other month, we would never have to beg for help again. Not only that but we would put all of our financial woes behind us permanently.
I told those that do attend monthly Post meetings that I would have a proposal for them at the July meeting for accepting credit cards. I do intend on keeping that promise, as I firmly believe that accepting cards is vital to our continued growth.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
Even though summer is here the VFW and Auxiliaries do not take vacation. We are always here helping the Veterans.
As of July 1st. We will start having chicken wings along with shrimp meal. The price is still $6.00.
July 3rd is the chicken BBQ at the post starting at 12:00 noon until? The price is $7.00.
July 6th is the Auxiliaries bake sale from 4:00 to PM.
July 9th is the Auxiliary Steak Fry The steak and shrimp combo is $13. Just the steak dinner is $9.00.
July 23rd there will be a Covo: War re-enactment for a Civil War Veteran at the Ashland Cemetery at 11:00 AM. Then the VFW Auxiliary will have a luncheon at the post.
Aug. 20th is family day at Camp Trotter. Bring a DISH TO PASS AND your lawn chairs, etc. There will be pontoon riding, games for kids with prizes and other activities. The camp will furnish the hamburgers and hot dogs. It might be a good idea to bring your place
Sisters it is 2017 dues paying time. Please send your dues of to Gayle Porter at 258 State St. Newaygo MI 49337. Or you can leave them at the post in the auxiliary mail box. You will be sent new membership card within a week to 10 days. It would be nice to be 100% dues paid by Nov. 1st. You can also buy a life membership depending on your age, before the prices go up.
Our next meeting is July 11 at 7:00PM. Come to a meeting and you will learn what the auxiliary is doibylng. Hope to see you there
Joanne Atkinson
President, VFW Auxiliary
It is 2017 dues paying time ladies. Please send your $20.00 to Nancy Ping at 4631 N. Peacock Tr. Irons Mi 49644. Please pay your VFW Aux. dues first. Let’s try to be 100% by Nov. l, 2016.
Summer is here, the Cooties and MOCA usually have a picnic cook out at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. But this year we are not doing it as they are all booked up for the year. We will just put out extra money on the Veterans Christmas Stars.
The Cootie Wednesday night burgers and more are doing good. Come on down and enjoy a burger, french fries, or chicken strips, brats, hot dogs. When doing so you are helping the Veterans.
The VFW Auxiliary and MOCA are still having their bake sale on the first Wednesday of the month, which will be July 6, starting at 4:00-7:00. Come and try someone else’s baking.
Joanne is taking summer clothing only for the men and women at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. You can take your donation off income tax. Please give me your name and address I will send you a receipt.
July 30th is the carnival at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
I hope everyone is enjoying all this warm weather and all the sunshine
July 1 MOCA is doing shrimp and wings
July 3 the post is doing there chicken BBQ
July 5 is Amvets meeting at 7:00pm and the Ladies Amvets AUX meeting at 6:00pm
July 9 is the Post steak fry
July 12 Riders meeting at 7:00pm
That is all I have for now, see you at the post
Charlie Clear
AMVETS Post 4250 Commander