July 2021
July, 2021

The parade in Croton is the 3rd. It starts at noon. I want to thank the Honor Guard and Auxiliary members for marching. I believe that we will have good weather.
The VFW is hosting the steak fry this month. I hope that the meat prices don’t go up anymore. We hate to have to raise our prices. The price is going up on food as everyone should know from shopping.
The Croton Dam Annual Freedom Fest is Sat. the 3rd starting at noon with the parade. Fireworks at dusk.
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful 4th of July and enjoy the freedom that is finally coming around. God bless America and all the military for our freedom. We need to fight harder to get back what we had.
God bless the troops home and deployed. Everyone be save.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I hope that you all have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July holiday weekend!!
In case you missed it last month the Auxiliary is raising the price of the fish fry from $8 to $9 due to increase in supply costs. The shrimp dinner prices will go up a little also to $8 for an 6 piece dinner and $10 for an 8 piece dinner. You will be able to add shrimp to a fish dinner for $1 a piece.
**The Auxiliary will not be having their monthly fish fry in July. We should be back in August and probably not cooking in September. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, July 12th @ 6:00.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar and come and help and participate when you can.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
Be safe and stay healthy.
Jim O’Neil
President, VFW 4249 Auxiliary
Post 4250 hosted the steak fry in June which turned out to be very successful. In part by the fact that someone donated the shrimp that we served. You know who you are and THANK YOU!
The other reason for the success of the steak fry was because of Larry TerBeek and his Karaoke set up. A special thank you to Larry for donating his services. You will be seeing more of him on future steak fry Saturday’s.
AMVETS Department of Michigan had their annual Convention June 17-19 in Pontiac. Locally we were hoping that Richard, Pop’s DeVoe, who has been Department 1st Vice Commander for the last 3 years, would be elected Department Commander. It was no to be. Carol Hebert, who has been Executive Director since I’ve been involved with AMVETS, was elected Commander. Carol, who has been effectively running Department is a great choice and I’m sure we all wish her the greatest success in her new role.
We do not have the full new Department Executive Committee roster. It will be on AMVETS Michigan website: http://amvetsmichigam.org as soon as it is provided.
I am disappointed in the turnout for our June meeting. We failed to attract a quorum and therefore was limited to just a small round table discussion. Please consider joining us for our July 6 meeting.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250