June 2017

June, 2017 Newsletter
First, I would like to thank all those that supported me for the last several years. Being Commander is much easier when you have help. I do think that the post is in much better financial shape than it was in when I first began serving in June of 2013.
We still have a very long way to go as far as participation in events and meeting goes, though. Several key people are severely cutting back on their contribution levels. If replacements do not step forward, the quality of our offerings will suffer. When that suffers, the bar will also suffer. And, as I’ve said so many times, If we don’t have a healthy bar, we do not have a healthy post. It won’t take that long to return to the days of the past when we were circling the drain.
Incoming Commander, Larry Reid deserves your support. He and I have different personalities and different methods, but he had the intestinal fortitude to step up. That much alone is worthy of respect. Please help him lead us into the future.
Along those lines, we have a sign up sheet by the front entrance for the Steak Fry on June 10. As I mentioned earlier, several past participants will not helping this month. Now is a good time to get involved.
Our Memorial Day ceremony’s were pretty well attended, although I think the crowd at a couple of the cemeteries was little less than in the past. Others, though were as large or larger that past years. The turnout at the new stop at Garfield Township Cemetery was light, but that was to be expected. I’m sure it will build nicely.
Thanks, of course, to the Post Auxiliary for the great luncheon that they provided.
We have decided that we will be serving BBQ Chicken for our Post Appreciation Day on Saturday, June 17. Because we were unable to secure a professional on such short notice, a couple of members and past Men’s Auxiliary members have volunteered to do the cooking. We will be asking people to bring a dish to pass, in order that we have minimal clean up in the kitchen. We know that this day is in competition with graduation open houses, but any weekend when the whether is warm will always have competing events to deal with.
We are leaving the Poppy’s and collection cans out for awhile. The money put in them goes directly to our unmet needs fund, which is specifically set up to assist veterans and their immediate families with basic life needs.
As you all probably know, although I will no longer be Commander of Post 4249, I will still be around as Commander, AMVETS 4250. I will continue publishing the monthly newsletter, the post website, the post Facebook page, and the Electronic Information Board. I will continue these tasks as long as the Commander wishes me to do them.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
2016-17 Commander, Post 4249
This will be my last item in the newsletter as the auxiliary president. The new president Jim 0’Neal will be writing in the newsletter after this one.
Starting June 2nd on Friday the VFW Auxiliary will be doing fish with cole slaw and french fries. This will be going on the first Friday of every month. The other organizations will still be doing shrimp and
wings on Friday night.
The Auxiliary is still looking for some more of you men to join us and attend our meetings on the 2nd Monday at 7:00 PM.
The Auxiliary and MOCA are still having their bake sale on the 1st Wednesday of the month starting at 4:00 to 7:00 PM. There are all kind of great homemade breads, pies, cookies, to be bought. Come out and see what we have to offer for your sweet tooth.
We need some extra people to step up and help out on our Steak Fries. It takes 18-20 people to work the steak fry. And part of the time it is the same people working every one. The steak fry’s are once a month on the 2nd Saturday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM with entertainment for your pleasure. We start prep work at 2:00 PM. Please try to donate a
couple of hours for a good cause. Then we have to clean up after everything is over. Please try to help out. All help would be greatly appreciated.
Joanne Atkinson
MOCA 11 is no longer in existance as we were adopted by Stinky PT 14 of Grand Rapids. On May 9th we were instutided and installed by Grand President Pat Thorsby. We will continue to have our meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each montheat 1:00 PM at our own post 4249. The only thing that has changed is the number.
June 15 is our next meeting st 1:00 so please be there.
July 29th is the carnival at Grand Rapids Home For Veterans from 11:00—3:00 Volunteers are needed for escort service. If you want to donate your time for escort be there at 10:00 AM. All help is greatly appreciated.
School will soon be out and the kids will be out playing and running all around and even the streets. They are so quick so watch for them.