March, 2017
March, 2017 Newsletter

I started talking about the March post meeting back in November. I’m sure many are starting to roll your eyes, you’ve heard it so many times. All that I can tell you is that my conscious is completely clear. March 9 at 7:00 p.m. the meetings starts. The main event is nomination of officers for next year. Bylaws prevent anyone from being nominated unless they are either present or have submitted a letter stating that they will accept a position if they are elected. If we have the participation that we have had for the last several meetings it’s liable to be a mighty short meeting. If you want to see VFW Post 4249 in existence after June 1, 2017, get out of your easy chair and come to the meeting.
One tradition that is coming to an end is the Military Order of the Cootie Pup Tent 11 for the same reason: apathy. We have to sent the Charter back already. Of course we are still doing Wed. night burgers, but it has not been a real Cootie function for the last year or two. The profits still go to VFW programs, but they used to go exclusively to the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.
The Electronic Information Board that I talked about last month is now in operation. It is, of course, open to all for our organizations for use. If you have some sort of activity that you want broadcast just write sometime up and give it to the bartender. You can also email me at The board has a “Comrades in Distress” slide and I will add a “Taps” slide when necessary. I would appreciate getting the “Distress” and “Taps” information as quickly as it is known by you so that I can get it added right away. The bartenders will be learning to edit the slides also.
As Joanne mentions, we are hosting the next District 12 meeting on April 9. Lunch is at noon and the meeting starts at 1:00 p.m. It would be nice to see a few post members in attendance.
The post will be closed to everyone not at the meeting until the meeting is over. Usually 3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
We will be serving Corned Beef and Cabbage on St. Patrick’s Day. It falls on a Friday during Lent, but there will be plenty of places serving fish, so if that’s what you want you shouldn’t have hard time finding it. We will probably start serving about noon and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
Don’t forget the Corn Hole tournament on the 4th of March. Last years was a huge success.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, Post 4249
Gentleman you joined the VFW Auxiliary, please come to the meetings. They are on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.
Gentleman when you are filling out the application to join the auxiliary please fill it out completely, put the name of the person you are joining under and the relation to you. When and where the person was overseas any medals or ribbons received. If that part is not filled out it just holds up the application. It will be sent back to us. And please sign in both places.
There is a planning meeting every 4th Thursday at 10:00 AM at the post. Everyone is welcome to attend. We need some new ideas from other people so please attend these meetings. This includes all organizations.
There is a new sign above the kitchen door in the lounge. Look at it It will have all the months happenings on it plus other information. THANKS T0 COMMANDER DAN
The 4th Saturday of each month id burrito night from 5:O0—7:00 PM with music for dancing. If any other organization would like to pick up one
let Dan know.
Auxiliary members start thinking of who you would like to be your new officers for the year of 2017-2018. The election will be at the April
10th meeting. Please attend this very inportant meeting.
Starting March 3rd, If you want to help Bill out show up at the Post at 4:30 . He would appreciate any help you give him. On Good Friday we will be going back to Shrimp and Wings.
April 9th we will be hosting the 12th district meeting. We will have a meal of some sort, not decided yet. The cost will be $8.00. We know it is Palm Sunday but by time it was noticed it was too late to change it. Try to attend this meeting as it is at home base. You might find out Something YOU didn’t know. And you will know what is going on.
March 11 is the next Steak Fry done by the Auxiliary. There is sign up sheet n the board by the door. If you want to help please sign the sheet. We will have music for dancing.
Joanne Atkinson
ATTENTION: The Cootie Pup Tent 11 is no longer in existance. They had to fold as there wasn’t enough people interested in coming to the scratches. Larry Norburg tried to keep things going but nobody wanted to run for office or attend a scratch.
The MOCA is still in existance and will be until the Cootie convention In May. Then we most likely have to fold also.
The MOCA is still doing Friday night shrimp and wings meal with cole slaw and french fries for $6.00. Come and enjoy.
Joanne is still taking men and women’s winter clothing to the Grand Rapids Home For Vwterans. In April she will start taking summer clothes. Start cleaning your closets of winter clothing that are still wearable and donate them to the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. No underware or sox please unless they are brand newxand still in packages.
We hope everyone has a HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY March 17th.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
AMVETS Post 4250 News
Charlie and Jane are enjoying some time off.