May 2019
May, 2019

The Auxiliary has the Fish Fry on the 3rd.
Paiges Promise has an event to Fight Opiate Addiction with Elvis, Dinner, and a Live Auction at the post on Saturday the 4th. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children under 10.
AMVETS Riders has the Steak Fry on the 11th. We almost sold out at the AMVETS Steak Fry last month. Nobody has wanted to do Burrito’s for May yet.
We had elections in April. We have about the same officers holding the same offices that they had last year. We had no new people to fill offices. I guess you are satisfied with the same people people running the Post as before.
You have probably heard we are negotiating with an individual on cooking for the Post. Steak Fry’s will still be the different organizations Steak Fry’s. 1st Friday Fish Fry’s will still be the Aux. Fish Fry. Nothing is final as are still negotiating.
Lloyd Fowler is still at Fremont and he would like some company now and then. I haven’t heard of anyone else ailing.
The Honor Guard is raising the colors at Fremont Airport’s annual Memorial Day weekend show on May 25th. It is always an awesome event.
Then on the 27th, Memorial Day, the Honor Guard officiates a ceremony at 8 local cemetery’s and a flyover with wreath drop at Bridgeton bridge. Schedules for each Cemetery are at the post an on the post website. The final ceremony of the day is at 12 noon at the post, followed with a light lunch.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Holiday. Be safe and take care.
God Bless our troops at home and deployed.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
To start things off I want to thank you for all of the support that you have given me and the Auxiliary the past two years.
Congratulations to Bill Barry who was nominated and elected at the April Auxiliary meeting and will be sworn in as President of the Auxiliary at our May 13th meeting.
Thank you goes out to the crew that helped make the Auxiliary’s April fish fry a huge success!! Thank you to all who helped!
The Auxiliary will be having their monthly fish fry or chicken nuggets or shrimp, and mushrooms, Friday, May 3rd, from 5:00-7:00.
Keep an eye on the activities calendar and come and help and participate when you can.
Auxiliary membership dues are due.
Auxiliary membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
With the warmer temperatures coming I hope that you all can get out and enjoy yourself. Be safe and stay active if you can.
Thanks again for letting me be the Auxiliary President the past two years. I will still be around and helping the Auxiliary with our activities. Please continue to support the activities of the Post and volunteer when you can.
Jim O’Neil