May 2021
May, 2021

May 7 is fish Fry and May 8 is Steak Fry. Both are hosted by the Auxiliary this month. Bring your mother or wife for a delicious steak and shrimp dinner.
Thanks to the local community we have been holding our own as far as keeping up with the bills. Two weeks in a row we had Birthday Party’s on Wednesday nights, which resulted in great sales for burgers and, of course, at the bar. Wednesday night pool has grown into Sunday pool also. The Post’s decision to offer free pool a couple of years ago has had the desired effect along with our Auxiliary’s initiative to get the pool tournaments started.
Memorial Day will be May 31. As of now we are planning normal Memorial Day ceremony’s at all 8 cemetery’s and wreath drop at the Bridgeton bridge, followed by the final ceremony at 12 noon at the Post. Please join us as we remember our fallen comrades.
God Bless our our troops, home and deployed.
Have save and enjoyable month.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
First I must start with the sad news that our Riders Chapter have discontinued operations and relinquished their charter. They were a very positive force for a couple of years, but as with many organizations, interest and participation waned and they were unable to continue. At our April meeting Post 4250 voted take over one of the Riders initiatives, that being their Blood Drives. We hope to be scheduling them again in the near future.
On a positive note our April meeting was fairly well attended and we hope to be able to put together some activities that will boost our strength.
We had first nominations for 2021-2022 officers. Final nominations and the election will take place at our May meeting, Tuesday May 4, 2021 at 7 PM
At Department and National levels, the annual Conventions are a go this year. Departments is June 17-20 at the Marriot in Pontiac. There is a link on their website ( to book hotel reservations.
AMVETS 76th National Convention 2021 at the Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons, August 17-21, 2021 in Greensboro, North Carolina The link to book reservations is at
I also am urging everyone to join us on Memorial Day to honor our fallen comrades.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250