November 2016
November, 2016 Newsletter

Joanne mentions the Tickled Pink Survivor’s Benefit that the post sponsored on October 15th and I just wanted to add my two cents by thanking all of the volunteers who helped make it such a huge success. Gerber Memorial was presented with a check for $7,153.68. That is something that we all can be proud of.
After almost getting to the point of canceling our annual Thanksgiving Dinner because we could not find sufficient help, we are indeed going to hold the dinner. Some last minute volunteers unexpectedly signed up to help put on the dinner.
On December 3, the post will be donating the use of our facilities to host a spaghetti dinner for Andrew and Sara Bird. If you have not already heard, Nicholai (9) and Nehemiah (8) Bird were killed and their sister Nina (7) critically injured in a car accident in Nassau County, FL. On 10/22/16. The benefit is to help with continued care for Nina and burial cost for the boys.
Andrew, a veteran, works for Life EMS of Newaygo County and Sara is a Newaygo County 911 Dispatcher. Both also serve as firefighters on the Newaygo Fire Department.
Nobody probably remembers last November’s newsletter, but I have the advantage of being able look it up and see what I wrote. At that time I was trying to illicit some sort of “esprit de corps” when I wrote:
“If you are a member who we do not see very often, it might be time to come and take a closer look at what we have going on right now. We have turned an under used, money losing banquet hall into one of the finest VFW facilities that you will find anywhere in the whole organization. We have managed to turn the corner financially. Granted, we still have plenty of work to do, but things are definitely looking better. We need to keep the momentum going. All of the pieces are in place for our organization to take it to the next level, but we do need to see some new faces, especially at the meetings. If you’re afraid of the time required, consider the fact that there are many individuals that have gone as far as Department Commander, maybe higher, while still holding down a full time job. So it’s not just retirees that run the VFW. If you actually want to help veterans, and not just passively by writing a check now and then, we can really use your help.”
It worked to the extent that we were able to get two new faces in our Jr. and Sr. Vice Commander positions. Jr. Vice Command Richard DeVoe, Jr. is completely new to the post and Sr. Vice Commander Larry Reid stepped up and started attending meetings, etc.
I bring this up because we again are facing the loss of some very key officers at the end of this term, which ends specifically at next year’s National Convention. Practically, our term ends on June 1, 2017.
Just as last year, the Post needs all members to really think about what Post 4249 means to them. If it’s just a place to get cheap drinks and great food at lower prices, that’s one thing. If it is more, and you really believe in what the VFW, as a whole, stands for, you might want to consider what it would be like to not have 4249 in operation. That is what happens when there are not enough names on the election report.
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander,Post 4249
To the members of VFW Post 4249 Auxiliary. If you have paid your 2016 dues and have not received your membership card yet please call me at 231-834-8705 or Gayle Porter at 231-652-4362 and we willzsee that you receive your card. Your 2017 dues are payable now also of $25.00 sendthem to Gayle Porter 258 State St. Newaygo Mi 49337 or you can drop them off at the post..
A couple of months ago I put the price of life membership in the newsetter. It goes on your age the price. As of January lsr the price will go up 15% of what it is now. Think about buying yourself a life
membership for Christmas.
The Cancer benefit held on Oct. 15th was a great success. All the money stays in Newaygo County. We want to thank everyone that worked so hard
at, especially all the cooking of the meal. All your donations. It was greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all that marched and rode on the trailer donated by DAD? From Grant on Oct. 8th. It was cold but the sun was shinning anyway it made
of a nice day.
On November 12th there will be the VFW Auxiliary Steak Fry. We could use your help. If you would like to donate a couple of hours helping please call Jane Clear at 231-834-1083.
If you are expecting a big Thanksgiving Dinner this year at the post you need to step up and let us know that you will help out. As of 10/28 we don’t have anyone that is willing to cook the dinner. So who’s fault is that going to be?????? If you want to help call Dan at 231-834-1238 or 231—215—3993
The Men’s Auxiliary is going to have a Fish Fry on Nov.4th Friday. Come and enjoy the meal.
Do you want a New Years Eve Party???? If so call Dan and tell him that you will chair the party and get everything set up.. If we don’t have some one step up and work there will not be a party. As last year there wasn’t enough participation or attendance. So think about it.
The Hat and Mitten tree will be going up after Veterans Day. We need donations of hats and mittens no scarfs please. Last year we could only
take them to one school in Newaygo. And we try to cover 2 schools in Newaygo and one in Grant. So people get busy and start knitting or crocheting for the kids in the schools.
The Auxiliaries will have their bake sale on November 2nd. the first Wednesday of the month. Everything is homemade and we have a wide variety of goodies. Pies, cookies, breads, apple breads, zucchini breads, cookies tarts and other goodies. We do the baking for you so you don’t have to.
It’s getting that time of the year again, COLD WINDY, SNOW, RAIN yes wehave to admit we’ve had a great October.
The Cooties are still looking for help on every Wednesday night to cook hamburgers and such. The guys need a break. You don’t have to be a Cootie or even a VFW member just come and volunteer for a couple of hours. If a few people don’t step up and help there just might not be a Wednesday night burger anymore. Women can also help. All help is greatly appreciated.
Nov. 2nd is the auxiliaries bake sale. It’s always the first Wednesday of the month. Come out and see what we have to offer in the line of goodies.
SISTERS os the MOCA are your 2017 VFW dues paid? You can pay your MOCA dues of $20.00 send to Nancy Ping 4631 N Peacock Trail, Irons Mi 49644. Please pay them by Dec.3l or you will not be a member in good standing.
Try to attend a meeting, we need your attendance and ideas. Our meetings are the third Thursday of the month at 1:00. They anly last about an hour. You can take an hour out of your day and come to a meeting..You just might see someone that you haven’t seen in a long time. It”s time to renew old time friendships.
Thanksgiving is coming up soon, Hope you have a safe and happy one.
Well the summer is over and winter is coming and I am not ready for it again.
We had our planning meeting Thursday and have a few things coming up.
First is the Thanksgiving day dinner , so far no one has stepped up to put on so it may not happen.
Second, Dan and Vicky have been doing burrito dinner on the 4th Saturday night of the month and it is doing real well. Dan said if anyone would like to do one ,they would show you what goes into it and how it is done. You need about 8 people to do one. If you have not try tried one you don’t know what you are missing they are really good.
Third We have Veterans Day at the Post at 11:00am on Nov 11 Ladies AUX will be putting on a small luncheon .
Fourth Ladies AUX is doing steak fry Nov 12 and as always we need help.
Fifth AMVETS has steak fry in Dec and I’ll need help.
The Post and all the AUX, AMVETS, we all need help putting all these things on to make money for all of us and pay our bills. We need volunteers so if you can help us out.
Charlie Clear
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250