November 2017
October, 2017 Newsletter
Another month is gone. The end of another year is getting nearer.
Last month we a very busy month. I want to thank everyone that helped out. Our Cornhole Tournament wasn’t the greatest turnout. We don’t know how much we collected yet. I would like to thank who helped.
We will be having our Veterans Day Service Nov. 11 at 11:00. Luncheon will be served following the ceremony. It’s on a Saturday.
We are having Thanksgiving dinner the 23rd of Nov. We need donations and help as usual. Don’t be afraid to donate a little time. It is for a very good cause. A lot of people depend on our dinner. Christmas is only 55 days away.
Rifle season starts the 15. I wish everyone the best of luck.
Most of the snowbirds have left or will be leaving this month..
The V.A. is now is now having the Nrex mobile clinic 4 Tuesdays a month because of their patient growth.
Everyone have a safe Thanksgiving and be safe.
There will not be anymore Burrito’s the rest of the year due to the 4th Saturday’s being Thanksgiving and Christmas weekends.
Larry Reid
Commander. VFW Post 4249
I know it’s hard to believe but here comes Thanksgiving in a few weeks. The Post will be doing a Thanksgiving dinner and will be in need of donations and help if you’re able and available. There will be donation and volunteer sign up sheets at the Post.
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries as well as shrimp or wings with coleslaw and fries Friday, November 3rd. Thank you to the helpers that are helping at this event and picking up the slack for me as I will be out of town. Please come out and support the Post and help with the fish fry and other activities if you’re able.
The Auxiliary is still having their bake sale on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 4:00-7:00 pm. This will the last one till it starts back up again in the spring.
The Auxiliary will be having a steak fry November 11th. Please sign up to help if you’re available. Thank you in advance.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, November 13th at 7:00pm.
The Auxiliary will be having a hat and mitten tree at the Post for elementary school children. Donations would be greatly appreciated.
There have been questions that have up pertaining to the VFW Auxiliary membership requirements. Jane Clear said that she has a print out with all the info on who is eligible and how to become a member. These printouts will be available at the Post soon.
Thank you and looking hoping you all enjoy the fall season with holidays right around the corner.
Jim O’Neil
SISTERS: Dues cardsdhave been sent out as a reminder to pay your VFW 2018 dues then your 2018 MOCA dues of $25.00. Send to Nancy
Ping 4631 N. Peacock Trail, Irons Mi 49644. Or you can put the dues in the MOCA mail box at the post. Let’s be 100% before the end of November. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanksgiving is coming up soon, let’s all give thanks to all of the Veterans that fought for our freedom. And think of all the veterans in hospitals and nursing homes at this time of the year.
Pup Tent 14 and the MOCA will be having a Christmas party at our post on Sunday December 17th at 2:00 PM. The Pup Tent will furnish the meat. Everyone else is asked to bring a dish to pass. There will be approxmately 20-25 people there.
Everyone says no news is good news so I will stop here as I have no more good or bad news to tell.
The Pup Tent and MOCA wishes everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy. To those that are ill we wish you a speedy recovery.
First I would like to thank all those that helped out with our Cornhole Tournament. Todd did a great job of organizing the actual games and David Reese took care of the activities at the event as well as being a driving force in fund raising.
As Larry mentioned we did not have as great of a turnout at the tournament as we had hoped. I think that, in this particular case, the weather was actually against us. It was such a beautiful day that people more than like found other outdoor activities. Be that as it may, it doesn’t take away from the fact the total effort was very successful.
To date, our Wheelchair Challenge will be able to present The Grand Rapids Home for Veterans with a total of 6 new Rock King Wheelchairs before Christmas. The fact is that they already have one and the others, as well as some needed accessories, are on order. So, even though the Cornhole Tournament Benefit was not as well attended as we would have liked, the Wheelchair Challenge itself is a great success.
As you may have read on the post Electronic Information Board, the Wheelchair Challenge continues. The event T-shirts are on sale for $15 at the post. These are quality shirts and every penny that you spend on one goes directly toward the purchase of new wheelchairs. With Christmas coming these T-Shirts would make a great.
Also, we are raffling envelopes filled with gift certificates. Each envelope contains a guaranteed $100 worth of merchandise from our local merchants who donated to our cause. The raffles will be conducted at the posts burger nights and other food events.
So, it is not too late to contribute. We already have enough for six chairs and we want to be able to buy The Home eight. Please step up and give us a hand making life easier for our Veterans in need.
Have a great month and a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS 4250