November 2018
November, 2018

The Steak Fry this month will be done by the Auxiliary and is on the 10th. Veterans Day is on Sunday the 11th at the 11th hour. We will have our normal ceremony.
If an organization wants to do burrito’s let me know so that I can get the band booked. If we can get enough help we can do them.
We will be having Thanksgiving dinner on the 22nd. We can use donations and monies to make it a success.
Le’ts hope that Jim O’neil heals quickly.
I don’t have a lot of news this month. Hope you have a successful deer season. You can always fill up on turkey on Thanksgiving.
The 15th of November is our Blood Drive. 2:p.m. to 7 p.m.
God keep all of our troops safe near and afar.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
I hope that you are all enjoying this time of the year called Fall. Colder weather and shorter days are here to stay. Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
The Auxiliary will be having our monthly fish fry Friday, November 2nd from 5:00-7:00 with shrimp and wings also available.
The Auxiliary will be doing the Steak fry on November 10th starting at 5:00. Please sign up on the sign-up help sheet if you’re able to help out. Thank you in advance.
The Auxiliary will be having our monthly meeting Monday, November 12 at 7:00. 2019 dues are due the first of the year so please plan on getting those taken care of. A Life membership is also available with the cost being determined by your age. Applications are available at the Post.
With activities coming up in November please check out the calender in the Newsletter.
Thank you for the card and thoughts and prayers since my accident and during my recovery!
Jim O’Neil
Brothers and sisters, 1st I would like to thank you for allowing me to represent the post one more time.
As one of the newest posts in the in the state we are fortunate to have State and District representation. Laura is our District Commander and Pop’s is our Department 1st Vice Commander. That being said, I ask that all post problems be brought up at the post level first.
I would like to thank Dave Reese, Jim Hart, and Dan Boutell for making our Shrimp and Wings night happen. And yes, I am biased but my wife taught our crew how to make the best wings.
Please help us expand to allow us to help even more veterans. It was just a few years ago that Dan Boutell received the first National Amvets Coin for signing 10 new AMVETS. Members. The new number is 5. Lets get some coins.
“Gene” Kovach
Commander AMVETS Post 4250