October 2017
October, 2017 Newsletter
This is the month of October. Summer is over and hunting season is open. I wish everyone the best of luck.
We are having a Thanksgiving Dinner. We need donations. 12 to 14 pound turkeys, potatoes and the rest of a good dinner. We also need usual HELP. If you would like to help, I will be putting up a sign up sheet.
We have busy month for October..
The 7th is the Michigan State- Michigan game
The 14th is Steak Fry
The 21st is the Cornhole Tournament for Wheelchairs for GR Home for Veterans
The 28thy is Burrito’s. It is back tot he 4 Saturday of the month. I’m not sure if we will be in November because of Thanksgiving weekend, because of all the leftovers. . I will let you know.
Christmas is not so far away.The snowbirds will be heading south. I hope everyones property survived the wicked weather.with minimal damage. And the winter months go by with the best of health and weather.
I am getting tired of being disrespected. If you don’t like me, there are other places to socialize. If you don’t like it you can leave when I come in. I am ther tohelp the post survive. When the people that attack me do not do anything to help but to drink and complain. We don’t need anymore help like that. Get in and go to meetings.
Another thing that needs to be said about some letters that were written to certain members and patrons. The letters made some people so mad that they decided not ever to step foot in the post again. The fact is that I did not write the letter on my own, but was charged with writing them by post membership at a regular post meeting. Another good reason to go to post meetings. You might find out what really goes on around here.
I have taken up enough pape, so good luck hunting and be safe.
Larry Reid
Commander. VFW Post 4249
Here comes fall and football season. Great time to get outdoors and enjoy all the changes that fall brings.
We will be having a fish fry with coleslaw and French fries as well as shrimp or wings with coleslaw and fries Friday, October 6th. Please come out and support the Post and help with the fish fry and other activities if you’re able.
The Auxiliary is still having their bake sale on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 4:00-7:00 pm.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, October 9th at 7:00pm.
Thank you and looking hoping you all enjoy the fall season with holidays right around the corner.
Jim O’Neil
notice; Sisters your 2018 MOCA dues are due now. please pay them as soon as possible. They have been raised to $25.00 as Supreme and Grand raised their dues se we had to do also. Please pay your VFWA dues first then your MOCA dues, send them to Nancy Ping at 4631 N Peacock Trail, Irons Mi 49644.
The VFW Auxiliary and the MOC Auxiliaries are still having thier monthly bake sales on the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Come and ogrchase some goodies that are freshly made by the ladies of the auxiliaries. Enjoy.
Our meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM. We would like to see more of you there.
The MOCA 14 donated $100.00 to the AM VETS benefit for the new rocking wheel chairs for the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. If you would like to donate to a good cause for the veterans contact Dan Boutell.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy. To those that are ill we wish you a speedy recovery.
We at Post 4250 have been working hard at getting ready for our Cornhole Tournament Benefit on the the 21st of October. This is being promoted as a dual effort by both the VFW and AMVETS and indeed it is just that. So if you have not already lined up a partner, start looking for one today.
Our solicitations are going well. Almost everyone we ask is glad to help out. And why not, there are no more deserving recipients of these wheelchairs.
AMVETS Post 4250 is in a regular rotation for Friday night shrimp/wings and steak fry’s as well. The monies that we generate at these food events are what finances our AMVETS programs that help our fellow veterans.
The point of this conversation is that I would like AMVETS Post 4250 members to look over the schedule that I will bring to our meeting on October 3. That schedule is what determines when we are expected to serve food. Please look it over make a mental note for when you can help. I am not asking that you commit to every food event, but certainly you can commit one or two each month. Isn’t our post worth at least that much to you?
Have a great month!
Dan Boutell, Commander Post 4250