October 2020
October, 2020

The Aux. Has their fish fry this Friday the 2nd.
We have a luncheon for Pat Baker the 4th at 3 p.m. and Linda Richardson on the 5th at 11 a.m.
The Aux. has the steak fry on the 10th.
There is Life Line screening on the 1st from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. I’m sure you have to have an appointment.
Laurie Dunlap is home doing better.
There is not much going on so this will be short.
We had a car stolen out of the parking lot so if you have valuables in yours don’t forget to lock it.
Everyone have a safe and healthy time.
God bless the troops at home and deployed. God bless and take care.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
Well, it looks like it’s time to pay for our beautiful summer with November weather in October.
Words are hard to come by when I try to put a positive spin on the events and happenings of the day. I came across this from our National Commander, Jan Brown, which I think is worth sharing:
“I hope you and yours are holding up in this unprecedented time of COVID-19. I’m sure most of us figured this mess would be over by now, but here we still sit.
As we figure out how to maneuver through this mess with opinions and regulations flying around like an angry hornets’ nest let’s remember to be kind to each other. A thank you to that waitperson, mail carrier, medical professional or anyone else who has worked through time could make that person’s day.”
Also from our National Website for those with children and grandchildren hoping to start a rewarding career: Lowe’s & AMVETS kickstart military careers in skilled trades and technology. For more information go to: https://corporate.lowes.com/newsroom/stories/inside-lowes/lowes-amvets-kickstart-military-careers-skilled-trades-and-technology
Our next meeting is on Oct. 6. Hope to see you there. Have a great month!
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250