September 2018
September, 2018

Busy month. Sept. 2. Chicken BBQ. Then at 1;00 the Logging Fest parade. The 7th is fish fry, 8th is Steak fry, 15th is Post Appreciation day. We have a pig roast , music and a fun time to be had by everyone.
Our Burrito’s went pretty good. Maybe next time the Hi-Lites will have the right date.
The 21st the Honor Guard will have their Blue Gill fish fry. The price will be ? Right now.
The 22nd will be burrito’s. Need help with everything as usual. I know there are more people that could help. I’ve been having people who are not members stepping up and helping.
Enjoy the weather as you know it will be changing before long.
God Bless our troops deployed and here.
Dick Mouthaan and Lloyd Fowler are still here.
Have a safe Holiday.
Larry Reid
Commander, Post 4249
I hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!
A big Thank You! Goes out again to our gang who ran the August fish fry in my absence.
This is great time of the year with football season here at last!!
The Auxiliary will be having their monthly fish fry or wings or shrimp, Friday, September 7th, from 5:00-7:00. These will continue throughout the year on the first Friday of each month.
The Post will be busy with activities the month of September starting with our Annual chicken bar-b-q and the parade on Sunday, September 2nd. Please refer to the newsletter calendar for upcoming events.
The Auxiliary will be holding their monthly meeting Monday, September 10th @ 7:00. As a reminder we will have our district inspection on that day starting @ 6:30 prior to the monthly meeting.
The Auxiliary will be having a bake sale, September 5th this month. Donations are kindly accepted.
Auxiliary membership forms are in the Auxiliary folder at the Post. We’re looking forward to having more people joining the Auxiliary. The cost of a single year membership is $26 and a life membership is available and the cost varies depending on your age.
Online in the VFW Store and they have Auxiliary Life Member hat for sale that some of us have thought about purchasing. If you are also interested in purchasing one or checking them out please contact me so that way we can order more than one or two and possibly get a discount.
We are looking forward to getting new members and working with all of you at the different activities.
Jim O’Neil
Post 4249 Auxiliary President
The 2019 dues notices have been sent out to all MOCA members. Please pay your VFW dues first then your MOCA dues of $25.00. Send them to Gayle Porter 258 S. State Ste. Newaygo, MI 49337. We cannot accept debit or credit cards for your dues. It has to be cash or check.
We voted at he last meeting to change the meeting time of our meetings from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on the third Thursday of the month.
Our lunch with PT 14went quite well. We had some good food as usual.
The Auxiliaries next bake sale is Setp. 5 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there to purchase some homemade goodies.
To those that have lost loved ones you have our deepest sympathy.
To those that are sick we wish you a speedy recovery.
This month went well for our Post, we had a “Steak Fry” on the 11th of August and two different “Wing and Shrimp fries” one on the 27th of July and the other on the 24th of August. The two wing and shrimp fries were very successful, and the Steak Fry was near the normal level for sales. I want to express my Thanks to the Amvets Ladies Aux. for their efforts to help us put this together. I also would like to Thank any other individual for their efforts as well. I must apologize that I for one was unable to attend this event due to a prior commitment which was made in March of this year so I’m not really sure who helped or exactly what or how it was staffed. I also want to Thank Jane Clear for her help and advice in helping make things happen in a proper fashion at the Wing and Shrimp Fries and also to my friend and VFW Aux. Member Lyle Piefer for his help during the “Wing and Shrimp fries”. It could be dangerous to thank a individual for their help because there is a chance someone is overlooked so if I have overlooked anyone please forgive me.
In my short time as your commander I have suggested that, “as a Post of less than 70 members”, there would be times when each part of our Post “Amvets”, “Amvets Riders”, and the “Amvets Ladies Aux.” might be in a position of not having enough help to staff these much needed fund raising functions and that there would be times when the other two bodies of this post should/would offer help to meet their staffing needs and at times this has been the factor which has saved this events. There has been mixed feelings and statements made in regard to my comments, some negative and some positive, however without cooperative interaction between the bodies of this post, our post will fail. Let’s consider the fact that it takes at least 15 workers to staff a steak fry out of the less than 70 in this post. This is a high percentage of the available personnel of our post when you stop and think of those who are physically unable to volunteer. We have managed so far to have a workable staff for these functions, however let’s not forget it is usually the same personnel who are always working, and again this cannot continue to happen if this post is to survive. If you are one of the 70, if you are physically able, if you have time (there are things which must be done throughout the day, not just during the time periods of 5 to 9, then please help).
This now brings me to another matter completely. I have decided to (for personal reasons which I do not want to revel) step down, resign from the commander position at this coming Amvets meeting on September 4th. I want to Thank all of you who have offered support and guidance during my short period as your Commander. I would like to Thank You all for the privilege of being your Commander during this time. I wish this Post the best and may it also have a long long future.
Commander Jim Hart