September 2020
September, 2020

There will not be a Labor Day parade this year. The Auxiliary put on a fish fry this month due to the Holiday weekend. It doesn’t pay to do it.
This months steak fry will be put on by the VFW again this month.
There is going to be a service for Lloyd Fowler at the Post on the 13th of September, 2-4 P.M.
There is going to be Honor Guard fish fry the 25th of Sept. Proceeds are going to the Post to help maintain our Post. Blue gill and Florida fish.
Let’s hope and prey we get rid of the Covid 19 ordeal.
Not much news, so I guess I’ll close for now.
God Bless our troops home and deployed.
Have a safe and wonderful month.
Larry Reid,
Commander VFW Post 4249
Our September meeting falls on September 1 at 7 .p.m.
With Labor Day just around the corner, a great summer of weather is rapidly winding down. There are still probably a couple of really nice months ahead for outdoor activities and fall colors are always a special treat. A great place to enjoy them is at AMVETS Higgins Lake Lodge located up in Roscommon County.
More information can be found at: The Lodge is non-profit and open to the public when space is available.
The Covid ordeal that Larry mentions continues to put a damper on our areas enjoyability for those that let it. Without getting political, I believe that it’s entirely possible to enjoy the fruits of our local environment without endangering yourself or anyone else. Social distance if that make you feel more comfortable and stay home if your sick. Practicing personal hygiene goes a long way.
Have a great month.
Dan Boutell
Commander, AMVETS Post 4250